Monday, September 12, 2011

Trying to write something that will make me millions of dollars.

Last night, Lifetime Movie Network -- not a network I watch regularly, by the way -- had a movie that was at least loosely based on J.K. Rowling and her success with Harry Potter, and her struggles not only to get her book published but also just to survive. I don't know how accurate it actually was, but I guess that doesn't matter as much as the fact that I found it to be very inspiring.  I get all wistful when I watch movies about authors.  My novel Shadowland Diaries has been revised and rewritten so many times that it has grown so complicated that it is almost impossible to follow.  So ... big sigh ... it's back to the drawing board at least once more.  We'll see if this time will prove to be more fruitful than the others.  I'm not going to try to play with my readers' minds.  They will know right from the start that my character is insane and that he hallucinates.  I will give what he sees and hears an explanation -- sort of.  But I don't want my readers to throw my book down in disgust and say, "I don't get it, and I don't have time or energy to try to figure it out."  I will try writing in longhand because that seems to get me closer to my characters and to the heart of my story than trying to word process it on the computer.

Not much else happening in my life at the moment.  I'm sort of taking the day off because I spent several hours grading papers over the weekend and today.  I am not, by any stretch of the imagination caught up, but I need to take a breather.

I'm watching the ball game.  I can't believe the Cardinals are still in the race.  I shan't get my hopes up because I don't want them to be utterly crushed.

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