Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Started writing something that I hope will make me a million dollars

I went back to my old school writing process, pencil (most definitely with eraser) and paper in hand and scratching out the first few tentative pages of the new Shadowlands Diary.  I don't know if I am going to do this again if it doesn't work out this time.  I like the possibilities of this new approach, the fourth or fifth new approach total for this book.  Young adult novels are hard to write though some people have the mistaken assumption that they are easy.  Ask yourself.  How can it possibly be easy to keep a 16 year old interested in a book when there are so many other things to get involved in?  It isn't.  Of course, I hope that I have some crossover success with adults, but I'm not sure that I will.  It's not going to be easy because the whole subject is difficult to write about.

Anyway, I hammered out a couple of pages.

Tonight, I have been grading papers.  My night class has handed in the first essay, kind of a diagnostic tool.  I'm convinced, sad to say, that we need to back up and teach more grammar.  I think ideas and voice are stronger than I have seen in a while, but grammar is worse.  It used to be just the opposite when I started teaching.  Why do we have to stress one over the other at all anyway?  Writing is a scale that is delicately balanced by content and form.  Both have to be present to be superb.  That's just my own opinion.

If some of you out there need some grammar review on your own, there's a website I would suggest for you.

It's very user friendly and quite helpful.  Try it out.

Don't forget; find Lancelot at

Here's the grammar bytes logo.  I hope they don't mind if I give them some free advertising.

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