Thursday, September 1, 2011

Random thoughts that are kind of out there

In case you missed it, you can click on the above link and find some options for ordering Lancelot and the Tides of Time.  Just in case you missed it.

Explain to me why the Cardinals were able to sweep the Brewers three games in Milwaukee.  Where was this team a month or two ago?
The Rams are -- as I write this -- winning the football game 14-10.  I predict a 9-7 record this year and a first round loss in the playoffs.

Someone swerved into my lane on 67 today.  I did the whole jerking the wheel to get out of the way and over correcting thing.  Was within a foot of crashing into the wired dividers.  Then it occurred to me.  Be calm.  Quit jerking the wheel.  Let up off the gas.  Steer back on the highway.  I didn't wreck but I came close.  I don't know why this person swerved into my lane completely out of the blue. He/she wasn't passing anyone or making a turn.  Maybe distracted.  Scared me.  I had one wreck where I over steered myself off the road and into a tree.  A dog jumped out in front of me once and I swerved to miss it.

Three day weekend.  I need the rest.  Night class today and yesterday.  They're good classes really and don't give me any trouble, but I'd rather be home than teaching.  One day maybe.

I wish I had some wise words, but I am too tired.  Maybe the wise thing to do tonight is keep my mouth shut.

I can give you another grammar pet peeve.  Using was with the pronouns they and you.  They was late because they had car trouble.  That is annoying.

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