Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just some news

I'll be watching the Cardinals later I imagine.  Two games left, one game behind the wild card.  They had a great opportunity to tie it last night, but they blew it.  Now I'm not so sure they deserve it.  However, every time I say that, they pull themselves up and do some great things.  I guess I will just wait and see.  There is a rumor that Tony might go to the White Sox.  I wouldn't mind seeing that happen because I think we need a new leader, some new blood.

I'm totally disappointed in the Rams.  I knew they were going to have a rough start to the year, but they have looked impotent.  The offensive line is in shambles even though they spent millions of dollars to bring in some new faces.

I don't have a lot else to say about my life at the moment.  Not much happening.  I've been thinking about my writing a lot.  What else is new.

I'm a bit at a loss today.  The Children's Literature Institute thinks I should start on a new novel and temporarily abandon Shadowland Diaries. Their reasoning is that the plot is a little too complicated to be very marketable.  It would be hard for the average reader to follow it.  My instructor says that I have obvious writing talent but that I am trying to do too much.  She might very well be right.

They have said that they could refund my money completely, which most companies wouldn't do since I have been working with them for approximately a year.  My second option is to start the class over with a different novel, something simpler.  Perhaps a straight, contemporary story of a young man battling bipolar disorder without the fantasy land side plot.  I guess that means they don't see my current novel going anywhere, and they don't want me to spend any more time on it for now.  I'm a little torn as to what I should do.

I do have to admit that I keep running into brick walls with Shadowland Diaries, so maybe I could pare it down a lot and keep it in the here and now.  I'm just not sure what I should do.  At any rate, someone from the school is going to call me and discuss it.  I have grown very fond of my two characters Dean and Dee, and I don't really feel like abandoning them.  Sigh, I will have to think about it for a while.

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