Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Only five views away from 40,000. Updates on me if you are interested.

This photo is from about six years ago. I have, in some ways, come a long way since then. In other ways, I have stalled out, and I wonder if I will ever get going again.

Let me give you the good news first. I seem to have found the most effective medication to control my bipolar disorder. I take Lamictal which is actually an anti-convulsant medication. In some way not quite understood, bipolar is active in the same part of the brain as epilepsy, and the drugs help it. The only thing that worries me sometimes is that I occasionally have an anxiety attack. I never had those before, and they're a little scary.

I haven't done as well in my writing as I like. I've done several free giveaways of ebook versions of my work, and they are widely downloaded. But it seems like people don't really want to pay for what I write. I can understand it up to a point, but the reviews I get on my work are usually fives out of fives, so I'm inclined to believe that what I write is effective. I have six books listed on my Amazon author page. I'll give you the link a little later in case you want to check them out.

While I'm glad that people are reading my work, I would be much gladder if they all would review it and support me by buying some of the ones that are not free. While I have a good pension from my years of teaching, I am still making far less than I was when I was working. The added income from the writing sales would be helpful.

The one thing that bothers me about me more than anything else is that this world has made me cynical. I used to have a wonderful sense of humor but it seems like every year, that humor shrinks a little and the cynicism grows. I am going to attempt to regain some of my humor in my writing. I write a lot of dark, contemporary young adult fiction, and I think I might try to lighten it up a bit.

I have used my Wordpress blog a lot, but I think that perhaps I enjoy using this one better, so from now on, most of my posts will come from it. I would appreciate the support.

My Amazon author page. Order any of my books from here. Check the page out.

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