Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Record; Rant

I had 31 page views for my blog yesterday.  That was a new record for me.  I know it isn't much in actuality, but for me it was exciting.  My next goal is 40 in one day.

I want to start with a rant.  Bullying.  I was walking down the hallway today at school. A big kid hip checked a smaller kid into the locker not once, not twice, but at least three times while I was watching.  I admit; they could have just been horsing around, but something inside of me snapped.  I yelled -- loudly enough in a crowded hallway -- to get this kid's attention and told him to knock it off.  He told me that this other kid had pushed him.  I said, "I don't care who started it.  I want it stopped."  The one I saw doing the hip check was at least two feet taller than the other kid.  I thought to myself.  You could snap that kid in half and you're talking about him pushing you.  Honestly, I did not see the smaller kid push the other one, but I know that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I get so mad when I see such harassment.  I was bullied when I was growing up.  It wasn't physical so much, but it was a lot of verbal abuse.  I know I was a geek, but what the hell, I just wanted to be left alone and people wouldn't cease their tormenting of me.  That's not the only reason I despise bullying; I have seen what it can do.  I know a 13 year old -- my best friend when I was in junior high -- who killed himself, partly because he was being bullied.  There were other problems with him, but bullying was a huge contributing factor.

 I have also been on the other side.  I have basically been in one fight in my life, and that was because I was bullying a kid.  He was the kid that everyone picked on, one or two people lower than I in the pecking order in sixth grade.  Everyone picked on him.  One day on the playground, I pushed him, not because I had a reason, but because I wanted to.  This particular day, this boy took a swing at me.  He never took a swing at anybody.  I had been the person that pushed him over the edge.

 Of course, I fought back, and I beat the snot out of him.  I can remember that even as the kids were clapping me on the back and telling me how tough I was, I felt lower than dog turds. To make matters worse, I wasn't punished because "boys just fight sometimes" and the boy I beat up had a complete breakdown and started wailing about how everyone always picked on him.  I have felt guilty about that fight ever since it happened.

Why won't people take a stand against bullying?  Please, it's not enough to not be a bully, you have to be willing to stand up and stop the other bullies.

End of Rant.

The only other news worthy enough for me to mention is that in April it looks as if I am going to get an all expense paid trip to Iowa City to help prepare the PLAN and Explore test for the ACT people.  In Iowa City is their national headquarters.  I have been writing for them for a long time, but I have never gotten to do this.  I'm excited even though it is months away.

I find out tomorrow if I have to go to St. Louis for jury duty.  I was selected as a possible juror in the District Court.  Honestly, I don't want to do this.  I won't shirk my responsibility if I am asked to do it, but I really don't want to.  Maybe I could read up on all the news I can find about possible court cases and then say that I'm not unbiased.  Really, I wouldn't do that.  The experience might be interesting, but it isn't a good time.  I guess I would have to admit to myself that it is never a good time.

Well, I'm out of here.
By the way, have I told you that you can get copies of Lancelot and the Tides of Time at this link.  :-)

One of my favorite "Me as writer picture"

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Cross,
    I could not agree with you more that "bullying," especially in public schools has got extremely out of hand! People have no idea what these "geeks, nerds, dweebs (and whatever else less advantaged kids are called these days)" are going through when they walk through the doors of schools. As an administrator Im glad that you stood up and said something, but I could only wish that there were more teachers in the world like you. I was never bullied in school but I knew plenty of kids who were. I always tried to speak up for the ones that I seen being made fun of, but there are just to many bullies out there for one person to stop. As you said bulling is not just a physical thing, it hurts a person's self esteem. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Whoever wrote that quote clearly was not being bullied. you may have heard of the case of Megan Meier's. Well if you have not, please go to this link..
    Megan was a friend of my younger sisters growing up. She was bullied, among other things had fights with her parents and an eating disorder. She thought the safest place for her to be was at school with friends and on her computer on her myspace site. No one could hurt her on her own myspace. Right? Wrong! Bulling, harassment and torment, was the final straw that Megan could take. At the age of 13 Megan hung herself in her closet with her own belt. I wish kids new the horrible consequences of their bulling, but somehow it is never enough.


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