Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blog dictated through my Ipad

This is going to be a very interesting experiment here. I'm dictating all of this on my iPad from my Dragon dictation software. This is liable not to be very accurate but it's worth a try. I have not done any  planning on any of my writing projects today. Mainly I have been helping my wife out because we are expecting some company tomorrow. Tonight however I'm going to go back to my plan for my new screenplay and try sort that out a little bit and then maybe write some on it. I don't plan on going out anywhere tonight for New Year's Eve. I'm kind of old for that so I'm just going to stay here and watch TV a little bit and just kind of relax. I do intend stay up till midnight however. It's interesting to find what I'm finding here is that this version of Dragon on my iPad is more accurate than the one they had on my computer . As with all technology, as I'm finding right now there are problems even with this. I'm running probably into more difficulty trying to dictate this than I would be if I were trying to type it. So this dictation maybe has turned out to be an incoherent mess but that's okay it is fun to try to do it anyway. The one really on the annoying thing about dictation is that you have to remember to put in the punctuation marks. As I am rolling along with my talking sometimes I forget to do that, but I will try to do better next time. So what you think? Is this the future of writing? Dictating with software.

One final note here. Even though I went back in to make a few changes, most of what I have written here is dictated without editing so you will find some mistakes. Have a safe and wonderful New Year's and may your 2012 be a great one .

For those of you who have a iPad and might be interested in this software or app I guess is what you call it; it's called dragon dictation. It doesn't cost anything either.

Sent from my iPad

Seeing the old year out.

The old year, frankly, stank.  So even though I am looking forward to seeing the new year in, I am more grateful that the old year is almost out.  It was not a good one in many ways though some may argue that if you wake up in the morning, then you should count your blessings.  I agree mostly.  I look back at the year selfishly in one way and think about all I should have done and didn't, all the missed opportunities, and the failures, but what hurts me more than anything else -- and  anyone who has experienced this would agree-- is the loss.  My mom dying right before Thanksgiving crushed many in my family.  Each year though, as relatives age, we will be faced with death.  The sad thing is too that since I work with teenagers who believe there is no death for them at their ages, there will also be young people who die, though I pray diligently daily that it doesn't happen.  Some of my youthful optimism has faded with age, but I still consider myself not to be a cynic or pessimist.  I have, and I think this is natural for people as they age, become more of a realist.  It isn't pessimistic to realize that life is about loss as much as, if not more so, than gain.  We are all falling toward entropy.  So, if I had to give a final crossbyte for the year, it would be this.  "You will lose almost everything you have ever known and love, but if you do not appreciate it while you have it, you have lost it already."

Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year approaching (A better year?)

New Year's Notes:
Note to myself number one: Remember to keep grading essays as I have been grading them today.  It makes a lot of sense and takes less time.

Note to myself number two (related to note number 1): Do not be stupid enough to wait until Christmas break to get caught up on school work ever again.

Note to myself number 3: Don't be so stubborn about trying to do thins in a different way in the future. This not only relates to grading papers but it also relates to writing.  I'm -- as some of you know -- trying to do some experimenting with outlining and am using Blake Snyders "Save the Cat" as a guideline.  In his 12 beats, the first and second beats are key images.  This morning after "beating" out about half my screenplay last night, I awoke with the perfect closing image to fit perfectly with the opening image.  It was actually exciting to discover it.  I must maintain the patience to keep to my plan.

#3: I really need to lose some weight and get some exercise.  I'm thinking about weight watchers and a treadmill or stationary bike.  I think I could do that, but I don't want to pay all the fees and stuff to figure it all out.

One of the things I'm wondering is if now that I am aging, gracefully for the most part, if I will have progressively worse years in health.  Will something be hurting all the time?  I know one can't stop the progressive decline, but can one stave it off for years?  I should have thought about this years ago, but I have always felt like a teenager in my mind.  It's only the body that begs to differ.

I need to get some reading done soon.  I miss reading a good book.  I found Stephen King's new one on sale for $7 at Hastings, a savings of roughly 17 dollars, and I ordered an ebook written by Dean Koontz.  He has a new book out too, and the ebook is a precursor to the new book.  I reckon if I like the ebook, I'll buy the new book which is only $13  on Kindle.

MY book is still available by the way at

I need to dive back into my stacks of paperwork.  Later, friends, fans, and family.  By the way, I did not write reckon earlier just to sound folksy.  In Southeast MO, we actually say the word.

Cover on Koontz new book.  Koontz has a newsletter that he sends out occasionally that is actually a hoot to read. I greatly admire him for many reasons.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Quick thoughts with no unity or coherence despite the fact that I am a composition teacher.

List of what is going on in my brain.  Since there is no order in my brain, there is no order in my list.

  • Grading papers again today.  Kids are doing well.  I'm accomplishing a lot without killing myself.
  • Feeling much better; think I am officially over the flu unless I get a relapse.
  • Watched Helen Mirren's Elizabeth I on HBO the other day.  Great show, great actress.
  • Must be feeling nostalgic.  Got an itunes gift card and bought Neil Diamond's greatest hits and Three Dog Night's greatest hits.  They were bargains at $8.
  • Seriously considering readjusting my whole writing philosophy.  I have always been a seat of pantser type writer.  I think they call them organic writers.  Thinking about disciplining myself to become an outliner.
  • bought a screenwriting app for my iPad.  I like writing screenplays.  If I'm going to not publish maybe I should not publish what I enjoy writing.  How's that for chaotic logic?  I am going to attempt to use Blake Snyder's beats for this screenplay I am currently working on.  I'm rereading the book.
  • Why isn't Neil Diamond in the Rock and Roll hall of fame?
  • I didn't know that Three Dog Night did not write their own songs.
  • Been listening to Jamey Johnson too.  He's a great songwriter.  I like his traditional sound.  His song, Somewhere Between Jennings and Jones is a great one.  I've never been much of a fan of Jones's nasality, but I have always loved Waylon Jennings.
  • Still basking in the warmth of the Tigers massacre of North Carolina.  We also have a great basketball team.  (Actually I live nowhere close to Columbia, Missouri, and did not go to school there either.  Still, the whole state loves them.)
  • I'm drinking a 7 up.  Makes me think of the times when I was sick as a kid and Mom always had us drink 7 up to settle our stomachs.
  • My neice's husband has dreamed twice that their baby will be born on March 22, which is my mom's birthday.  He had this dream before he knew it was her birthday.  This is the niece who has been having all kinds of dreams about Meemaw.  I have only had one.
  • I watched a television special the other day that talked about how emperor Justin of Rome canonized the New Testament.  Though I am a Christian, I have to say it bothers me that a former pagan, though claiming to be converted to Christianity, set up the Bible which we claim to be the inscrutable word of God.  (Is that the right word: inscrutable?)  I have a lot of admiration for the Catholic church, but let's face it, their history hasn't exactly been above reproach.  Of course, you can say the same thing about all religions. Protestants have done their share of murder and mayhem.
  • This idea of the Bible being canonized by Justin doesn't weaken my faith, but it does make me wonder if we actually know all the answers.  I don't think Christianity has all the answers.
  • Wow, I have many more thoughts on my mind than I originally suspected.
  • I have finished both my soda and my lunch, so I am going to go back to work.  Later.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Getting back into the swing of things

I am trying to get myself back into my regular routine before school starts up again and my life crashes around me again.  I feel much stronger today and was able to get out and around.  I even went to Walmart.  That's surely a sign I am almost well, correct?  While there, I saw four people that I knew and so I talked to them for a while.  I love seeing former students and finding out how they are doing.  I also graded several papers today and am going to go back at it shortly after the news for a couple more hours.  I need to get it done before school starts again.  I am actually a day behind because I was originally going to start on the day that I was sick.  I don't have much else to say tonight.  I think I need to start keeping these shorter than I do.  I did think of something halfway wise.

An interesting question is, "How many people are blind simply because they refuse to see anything outside their own narrow vision?"

Monday, December 26, 2011

How I managed to waste the entire day today.

In today's society, there are just too many ways available to waste time. The last hour and a half it's been the television show House.  They are episodes from a year or two ago.  They have both been pretty interesting.  This one I am watching now is especially good.  House is lying in a bath tub operating on himself to remove tumors from his leg because he took some experimental medicine without it being fully approved.

There has been something worthless occupying my time all day.  Also, I have not been feeling well so I've not exactly felt like doing much anyway.  Most of the day has been spent on the computer.  Several times I have gone into the net to check email, update my Facebook, and see what's going on.  Also, I spent some of my time reading, well rereading Blake Snyder's Save the Cat.  It's a really good book, and a good man who wrote it.  He was actually approachable.  When I first got his book, I sent him a couple of emails which he promptly answered personally.  I doubt if Blake Snyder enterprises today takes the time to answer emails from wannabe screenwriters.  I also wrote a couple of pages in my journal.  I still keep a journal even though I have all kinds of computers that I could do journals and other stuff on.  It's one way to keep in touch with my writing roots.  There is something about holding a pen in hand and writing on real paper that feels right. (no pun intended ... feels write ... get it?)

I haven't blogged today yet, and just to illustrate what I mean by allowing myself to be distracted, let me tell you that I started this blog over an hour ago.

The other thing that distracted me for about three hours was the Missouri Tigers Bowl Game.  They whipped North Carolina soundly and looked good doing it.  North Carolina could not stop Franklin or anyone else on the offense.  It is a good way to end the season before they become part of the SEC next year.  I believe they will get their rears handed to them several times next season.   A 7-5 record in the SEC conference will really mean something.  The move will give them greater opportunities I think.  More money for their programs, more national exposure.

Now, I am watching Castle.  Another distraction.

Tomorrow, I have to grade papers and do some writing.  I need to do something constructive right now which is not blogging.  I need to sign off.

Have a happy New Year everyone.


Another Christmas is behind us. I spent the whole day yesterday with the stomach flu. I was so sick. It started Christmas Eve night and continued throughout most of the day yesterday, but I feel better today. Now, my wife is sick with it it. It's absolutely horrible. My two nieces and now apparently, my sister has it. Earlier in the week, my dad and my other sister had it. Fortunately, it only hangs around for about a day. I'm not making many resolutions this year because I don't generally keep them. Sometimes, I feel as if I am living my life in a fog, drifting from here to there with little guidance from my part. Maybe I should be happy where I am. I have a steady job. I have a lovely family. I write and actually sell some material. I've published plays that were actually produced by schools. I've helped some people, inspired others every now and then. Yet, I feel as if I have flunked the pyramid of needs. I certainly have not reached the self actualization level; nor do I feel as if I ever met the self esteem level. However, I am not going to harp on my shortcomings here. Rather, I should resolve to be more grateful for the things that I do have. We should all be that way. One thing that hurts me is that I am very introspective. I won't say I'm selfish because I don't see myself that way, but I do think I can be self centered. In tests of multiple intelligences, I have always scored out the roof in intrapersonal intelligence and very low in interpersonal intelligence. I get along with people just fine, but I don't relate to them as well as I should. I'm sure that has stymied some of my goals and aspirations. Howard Gardner is an intelligent man. Maslow is also very interesting to read. If I had it all to do over again, I think I would have majored in psychology. I would like to work in research, study how the mind works, or doesn't work depending on the person. Today, when I feel a little stronger, I am going to grade some papers. Yuck. I have to do it though. I do need to set goals every year. I think a goal and a resolution are different because a goal can be much more realistic. In my writing goals this year, I would like to finish one YA novel and get it published and one screenplay and get it optioned. Did I say realistic? I also must find a way to spend less time grading papers. As always, I would like to teach at a college or university, but that won't likely happen. (Perhaps I am way too negative.) I have only a master's degree not a phd, and I am not going to go back to school at this late period in time. I do have the qualifications though. In addition to 28 years teaching experience, 20 part time on the junior college level, I write for the ACT test. I've worked with the state in setting up scoring guides for essays in state exams. I have written award-winning lesson plans, published in all kinds of places, including the English journal, and I am just a good teacher -- or at least I think so. Well, enough for now. I need more coffee.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Weekly wrapup

The Rams lost 27 to 0 today.  Steven Jackson went over 1,000 yards rushing for the year again.  We might accidentally get the first round pick.  Hopefully, we will trade it so that we can plug up three or four holes at one time.  It is a sad team.

Well, pitchers and catcher report for spring training in February.  If the Cardinals are not crippled by injuries, they should be good this year.  Good enough to win the division I think.

One week of my Christmas vacation has gone.  I have done absolutely NO school work the first week, so I am guessing I will do it the second week.  Well, there is no guessing to it.  I have to get it done and finalize my grades.  Sigh.

We spent a few hours at my sister's house today.  It was nice.  Claire and Max were there, and Christmas is about the kids I think.

I read an interesting post.  Some people don't think much about the fact that Jesus was Jewish.  He would have celebrated Hanukkah.

I have written 14 pages of my screenplay.  The title is going to be Fall of Knight.  How does this sound for a logline:  A mentally ill teenager must solve the riddle of his twin sister's disappearance even if it means proving that he, himself, is responsible for it. I am working slowly on it and reading Snyder's Save the Cat Book at the same time.  Ironically I am trying to type this with a fat cat lying in my lap.  Snyder's book explains a practical approach to organizing a screenplay.

I'm doing okay this evening moodwise.  I'm stuffed to the point of being quite uncomfortable, and I have a toothache.

Hopefully, tonight and tomorrow will be wonderful, and then next week, I can get back to my school work and do more on my screenplay.  I have nothing much going on now, so I'm going to sign off.

See, I told you there was a fat cat in my lap.
Happy Holidays to all.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Thinking of Christmas.

Many things come to mind when I think about Christmas, some good, some bad.  Not exactly an exciting introduction I know, but I needed to start somewhere.

A lot of people talk about Jesus being the reason for the season.  Honestly, does anyone actually know what day Jesus was born?  I know some people get mad about the crass commercialism of Christmas. The thing is, when you do some digging, you find a lot of Christmas traditions have pagan origins.  If we want to celebrate this day as the birth of Christ, that is fine with me.  He was born.  His death, I think, is more important though.

Then, there is the opposite viewpoint.  Some people who are Christian refuse to celebrate Christmas because of its origins.  When I was young, there was a time when my family did not celebrate Christmas. I never worried about whether Christmas had pagan origins or not.  I just knew that I felt like a freak because I didn't celebrate it.  In many ways, I felt cheated.  As I said, I don't mind at all if people want to celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ.  I also don't mind it if people want to celebrate it as a time of love and gift giving.  A time of family and friends.

I also get a little annoyed with those who get bent out of shape whenever someone says, "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas.  There are several holidays that occur right at this time.  Hannukah is one of them.  I think it's showing respect for other people's beliefs to say Happy Holidays.  In case some of you may have forgotten, Jesus was Jewish first and foremost.

I mentioned earlier that for a large portion of my childhood we did not celebrate Christmas.  Still, there were times when my mom worked hard making and selling candy so that she could purchase some gifts.  I never really wanted much. (We couldn't afford much anyway.)  I do remember a couple of gifts that I got when I was a child that were meaningful.  One of them was an electric football game.  It was one of those games with the little plastic football players.  The field would vibrate and the men would run all over the place.  Another time I got a Buddy Charlie.  He was a friend of GI Joe as I recall.  He was the size of a Barbie Doll, but of course, he was no doll, he was an action figure.  I remember another year when the only thing I wanted was a first baseman's mitt.  My mom didn't know what a first baseman's mitt was, so she got me a regular fielder's glove.  Though I was slightly disappointed, I used that glove for years.  I did buy a first baseman's mitt from my friend later.  I loved that glove.  My favorite baseball players were Orlando Cepeda and Frank Howard.  I liked Cepeda because he was a Cardinal.  I liked Howard because even though he was a cool baseball player, he wore glasses as did I.

I'm happy to say that Christmas became a big thing with my family as we grew older.  With my mom, Christmas became huge, and it was all about the kids, grandkids, and great grandkids.  Today, we went to Warrenton to my nephew's house and celebrated Christmas there.  It was fun, but it wasn't the same without Mom.  It's going to be a hard holiday season.

My hopes are that all of you and yours will have a Happy Holiday and a Merry Christmas, or Kwanza, or Hannuka -- whatever you celebrate.  In all things give thanks for what and WHO you have because you never know when they will be gone.  

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Just a few words.

I am a happy Cardinals Fan today because the team signed Carlos Beltran.  He's no Pujols, but he is going to go some ways in replacing El Hombre.  I'll  miss Pujols, and his departure still stings, but I should keep in mind that in the end it is all about the money.  I would have to say though that it doesn't have to be that way.  I  had a new job offer a few years ago which would have given me several thousand dollars raise.  However, I felt loyalty to my present workplace and I chose to remain.  I believe we get guidance if we seek it, and the new job offer did not somehow feel right.  On the other hand, there's a place I would really love to work, and I knew that if I got a job there I would get a pay cut.  Still, I would take it if the opportunity arose.  If it is meant to be, and I'm beginning to think it isn't, it will be.  If not, then I can retire from where I am somewhere in the future and leave believing that I have done a good job.  I don't have much else to say.  Good night, one and all.  May you have a Merry Christmas if you believe in Christmas.  If you do not celebrate Christmas, then have a happy holiday season.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Short but Sweet

I wrote about four pages of my screenplay today.
I brainstormed about my young adult novel.  I want to announce that I believe in Kharma, only I consider it more like divine intervention.  I have been worrying myself over my YA fiction that never seems to go anywhere.  Today, in the mail, I got a book called Writing Young Adult Fiction, which I don't remember ordering.  I'm sure I did, but the fact that it miraculously arrived when I was thinking about abandoning my pursuit of YA fiction seems to be more that just a coincidence.
I should try writing some poetry.  I used to write a lot of poetry, but it was when I was letting my cyclothymia go untreated, and I usually wrote only when I was depressed,  My poetry was so depressing my wife refused to read it.  I do remember one Christmas, however, when I gave my wife the ultimate Christmas present.  I wrote her a love song.  At the time, a student of mine was recording a CD, and she recorded the song for me.  The song was called "Living, Growing, Love". In it I used an extended, and fairly obvious metaphor, of a tree and compared it to love.  I still have the recording of it somewhere.  It's on cassette.  If there were any way I could post it, I would, but I have no clue as to how.
It impressed her for a few months.  This year, I have ordered her Christmas gifts online, and I'm waiting anxiously, hoping that they actually get here for Christmas.  None of them will really surprise her because she picked them out.  She needs clothes and she wants the kind she wants.  I can't blame her for that.
In other news, Rams wide receiver Austin Pettis was suspended for four games for testing positive to performance enhancing drugs.  I made the comment on my Facebook page that the way the Rams were performing he should go to his dealer and demand a refund.  No new baseball news except that the Cardinals seem to be pursuing two free agents Coco Crisp (yes, that's his name) and Carlos Beltrane.  I hope they get Beltrane.  He could really help this club immensely.  He won't replace Albert, but he will help.  The Blues are playing some great hockey.  I went to see them a few days ago.  Hockey is best enjoyed when witnessed live and in person.
I am in the process of putting all of my music on iCloud or however you say that.  Though, I don't fully understand the process, I do know that I have about 1,300 songs in my file.  Most of them are classic rock with some country.  I like all kinds of music though.  Lately, I have begun to rediscover the blues and find that I truly like Susan Tedeschi and a couple of others.  Many rock and roll bands started with the blues.  One of my favorite bands of all time The Allman Brothers is going to get a lifetime achievement award this year.  Greg Allman came out with a blues album last year that was very good.  Of course, on my iPad I also have groups like Jem, Katy Perry, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, Martina McBride, Garth Brooks -- you get the point.  I love all kinds of music.
I am not so depressed lately.  Though I will never get over my mother's death, the pain lessens a little.  She has been really good about dropping us little signs that she's doing fine.  I know most people think that's a ridiculous idea, but I don't.  I believe in God, and I believe God can be approached in many different ways.  I also believe that God approaches us in many different ways.  One day there are two major topics I will cover in my blog that I haven't touched on much.  One is my religious philosophy which every religion, Christian, Muslim, Jew and all the others would deem heretical.  Also, when I get up the nerve, I'll get into my battles with cyclothymia which is bipolar's cousin.
I don't intend to do that now though.  I have already written more than I wanted.
You know, there's a subject I think I need to write about.  I believe if I wrote about it, many doors in my subconscious would open up and I would create some great stuff.  However, the subject is an old wound, and I fear that by ripping the bandage off, I might bleed to death.
Well, that's all I have to say about that.

Writing report.

The Bucks County 12 days of Christmas sale is still going on.  Buy one book for $10 and get a second free.  Go to for further details.

I'm working on my screenplay today, and I made something of a breakthrough.  There was an important scene that I wanted to write, but I knew that I needed a three to four page transitional scene between what I had already written and what I needed to write.  I was fussing and fuming about what I was going to do, but then I suddenly thought.  Why wait?  I can always add that transitional scene in later. In MovieMagic screenwriter, which I recommend highly if you want to pay for screenplay formatting software, you can add notes to your manuscript.  I just wrote myself a note as to what that transitional scene should do, and then, I went on with the scene I really wanted to write.  I have to start doing some kind of outlining or planning or I am never going to be successful with my work.  This screenplay version of Dean Knight that I am working on is actually going to be a horror story.  A lot of it though will be psychological horror.

My biggest problem when I write is that I can't sit and write without stopping.  I have to earn a living through my teaching so often I have days where I am so busy with my job that I can't write.  Maybe that's just an excuse, I don't know.  It is hard for me to get into any kind of writing mode that has any consistency to it.  When I come back to something I've not worked on for a while, I am sometimes just absolutely stuck.  Maybe outlining would solve that problem.  I don't know for sure.

What do you other writers do?  I would appreciate some advice before I just drive myself crazy.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Don't you just love technology?

I don't know if this will work or not, but apparently, I can send an email to update my blog.  Isn't that amazing?  Well, I am trying it to see if it will work.  Of course, I don't know for sure when I would ever use this particular option.  I mean, if you have email, why not go just to your site and post on it.  The only place I could see it coming in handy is in the event that you are on a server that blocks blogs.  For instance, my school blocks all blogging sites.  Of course, the likelihood of my using time at school to do this is slim to none anyway.

This blog is about technology.  I have discovered a wonderful app on my Ipad although I have just started using it.  It's called Editions by aol, and what it does basically, is set up your own custom news magazine which gets delivered to you Ipad every morning at 8 a.m.  It's like having your own morning paper for which you get to be the editor.

I am also pleased to know that CELTX has an IPad app too.  I don't have my keyboard yet, but when I get it, I want to try this one.  It won't do me much good until I get a faster keyboard.  I am drawn to writing screenplays though I know that my odds of ever selling one are nil at worst or next to nil at best.  It would be nice, but I can't even write a novel that anyone wants.  I don't know, but I think I need an entirely new approach to writing.  What I have done has not been successful for me.

I did finish an article today for which I should be paid some nice money, and I got another article idea from the people who do the ACT test.  It's about a snail who surfs on the ocean.  It manages to lay a film of eggs that resembles bubble wrap and is about as strong and the snail floats along on it.  If I'm not mistaken, they hang on it upside down, but I have to do some more research on that.

Well, this experiment needs to come to an end.  I hope it works.

So far, I have not done any resolutions.  I always evaluate my life this time of year and think about things I need to change.  Something has to change because I feel as if I am spinning my wheels.

Last few days of the 12 days of Christmas sale.

Hurry!  Order now.  The last few days of the 12 days of Christmas sale are going on right now!  If you missed the opportunity to buy any of the featured books, you have one last chance on the 22nd pick them up for the sale price (Including,  Yes, here is the plug: Lancelot.)

Don't forget to ask about your free one with each purchase.
Go to:

*December 20*
Family Ties
by Ottilie Weber

 Abby’s family prides itself with its knowledge of its rich family history. Unfortunately, they may be kidding themselves. While trying to survive her summer job armed only with her sarcastic wit and her best friend cory, she thinks things couldn’t get worse. But when she is kidnapped, she learns to be careful what she wishes for!

December 21
Fess Up, Jessup!
by KP Wee

 J.J. Jessup, who’d been banished from the public school system for incidences of improper behavior, received a fresh start teaching at a private school for young adults.However, could a leopard change his spots? Could Jessup keep his hands off his new unsuspecting students?His boss, Joe, who knew about Jessup’s concealed past, warned him not to get involved with a bubbly, attractive 21-year-old student named Hye Yeong. Why was Joe so protective of that particular student? And why did Larry, who also worked in the school and was already in his 40’s, carry a picture of her secretly?Other than Jessup’s past, what other secrets were there at Westside International?Jessup was determined to find out how Hye Yeong was connected to both men, and to be with her…Fess Up, Jessup also contains the short-stories: Catching Eva and Mission at the J.This book also contains two other short stories, titled "Mission at the J." and "Catching Eva."

December 22

Monday, December 19, 2011

Fall of Knight -- screenplay excerpt -- new project

I started a screenplay with my character Dean Knight.  I think it might help me to get a handle on the story.  I have posted what I wrote tonight. It is in proper screenplay on the original document.  It just lost the formatting when I cut and paste it here.

I accomplished some things today. First, I wrote an article I hope ACT accepts for some future test.  I haven't written anything for them for a while.  Also, I finally got the family and me motivated enough to put up Christmas decorations.  It's been hard to get into the spirit so far, but I think I finally have begun to.  Megan is home from College for a while so that also helps.

Fall of Knight



The rain pelts down in sheets.  A small Ford Festiva crests a hill that goes into a curve.

The car hydroplanes, slides off the road, and rolls twice into a concrete drainage ditch flowing with water.


A woman, MRS. KNIGHT, around 33 with long black hair is curled into a ball on the roof of her car which is upside down.  Water begins to seep into the car.



DEAN KNIGHT is ten or eleven.  He lies in the back part of the car.

Dean.  Is Dee Dee ...

She's not moving.

Is she breathing?

I'm scared.

Get your sister out of the car, Dean.  Drag her out of this ditch.

Water creeps higher into the car.  Mrs. Knight tries to raise her head.

What about --

I'm fine.  Get Dee Dee out. Now!

Dean manages to shove the door open.  More water pours in and knocks him against the front seat.  He regains his balance.

He unfastens DEE DEE's seatbelt.  Dee Dee is his age, a twin.  Like Dean, she is thin and frail with pale skin.  The kids have the same luxurious long black hair that their mother does.

Dean drags his sister from the car and almost loses her in the rushing water which is now up to his knees.

He grabs her under her arms and pulls her toward the ditch.  Finally, he struggles onto the bank and drags her up the side of the hill.

He sits down on the ground and pants.  He looks at the car and the quickly rising water and jumps to his feet.

The current lifts the Festiva and sweeps it away.

12 Days of Christmas Sale continues. Hurry though! Just three more days.

These are Buck's County Publishing's featured books for today and the next two.  Hurry!  Act now.  Buy one of the featured book and select a free one from a select list.  That's two books for $10.  Support your independent publishers.

December 19
Mouth to God's Ear
by Christopher Grosso
In the gritty novel Mouth to God’s Ear, God is leaving forever and it is going to be one hell of a farewell. Although 33 year old Brooklyn hospice counselor Godfrey Thorn should be enjoying the conventional pleasures of life, Godfrey (or God, as he is known) feels dead inside. So he has decided to fight with a mercenary group in an illegal war in some ‘godforsaken’ jungle in Africa. But on this, his final day before leaving for war, God says goodbye to a series of unsuspecting friends, relatives and ex-lovers. As the day turns to night, God’s narcissism escalates into a red-wake of shocking action and God soon finds himself hiding from the police and employing the very people he loathes in his escape from the country. And what’s with the mysterious cuts that have covered his hands since the morning?

*December 20*
Family Ties
by Ottilie Weber

 Abby’s family prides itself with its knowledge of its rich family history. Unfortunately, they may be kidding themselves. While trying to survive her summer job armed only with her sarcastic wit and her best friend cory, she thinks things couldn’t get worse. But when she is kidnapped, she learns to be careful what she wishes for!

December 21
Fess Up, Jessup!
by KP Wee

 J.J. Jessup, who’d been banished from the public school system for incidences of improper behavior, received a fresh start teaching at a private school for young adults.However, could a leopard change his spots? Could Jessup keep his hands off his new unsuspecting students?His boss, Joe, who knew about Jessup’s concealed past, warned him not to get involved with a bubbly, attractive 21-year-old student named Hye Yeong. Why was Joe so protective of that particular student? And why did Larry, who also worked in the school and was already in his 40’s, carry a picture of her secretly?Other than Jessup’s past, what other secrets were there at Westside International?Jessup was determined to find out how Hye Yeong was connected to both men, and to be with her…Fess Up, Jessup also contains the short-stories: Catching Eva and Mission at the J.This book also contains two other short stories, titled "Mission at the J." and "Catching Eva."

December 22


I want to thank all of you who read my blog. In the short time I have been writing one, I have had over 4,000 views. I never would have dreamed that. I started this with the idea of just giving perspectives from the common person, the common joe. I am not rich. My wife and I work our butts off to survive. We are both in education, rural school districts. We pay our taxes. We make enough money that we do not qualify for grants for our daughter's college education. My daughter worked hard in school to get scholarships. My wife works two jobs and I work three to pay for the rest of her schooling. I was raised that if you want something you worked for it.

My political viewpoints are what I consider moderate. I was ranting to my daughter last night, however, and I told her I despised both political parties because while they argue about taxing the rich and slicing entitlement programs, the middle class struggles every day. We don't get any breaks. Every time I turn around the price of everything seems to go up. Meanwhile, in these tough economic times, my salary does not keep up. I am sick of the way our country is going, but hey, who cares what I think. I am just the common joe.

I meant for this to be a thank you to my readers, but I got off track. Sorry. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Excerpt from Lancelot -- Featured Bucks County book for the day

If Lancelot were ever made into a film, this man Javier Bardem would play the villain Rittlock.

Since today Buck's County Publishing is featuring Lancelot in its 12 days of Christmas sale, I thought I would feature an excerpt. For today you can purchase the paperback version of Lancelot for one third off, $10, and you can select one other book free.  So you get two trade paperbooks for the price of $10.
Since Lancelot is Sci Fi as well as fantasy, I wanted to feature an excerpt that hinted at the breadth of the novel.  Enjoy it; please feel free to leave comments.
You can get Lancelot and pick out your free book at

Rodney watched the contemp reel that a group of pacopho had taken when Rittlock allowed them to follow him into battle. He hated pacopho because they would do anything, follow anyone to get the “truth” as they saw it, when in actuality, they wrote little more than lies and innuendoes and sensational stories the lower classes
devoured with as much vigor as a child devours chocolate.
The scene very much resembled what he had seen happening to the Gladdonites. A sudden, violent attack so swift and deadly that Bolron and his armies could not withstand it. After showing the initial assault, the CR followed with scenes of city fighting. Building to building,street to street, and hand to hand. The ending of the CR chilled him to his very marrow.
First, it showed Rittlock’s soldiers retreating. Just as Rodney wondered why he would be showing his own army’s retreat, a small squadron of warwings appeared on
the horizon. Each one dropped a single bomb over various parts of the city. Upon impact, the bombs disintegrated into white light so brilliant Rodney hid his eyes. Then there was silence over the city, and the next picture revealed the results of the bombs. Even though they did some damage at the point of impact, the remainder of the city seemed unscathed.
As his heart pounded, Rodney watched Rittlock’s soldiers, dressed in bio-breaker outfits search the buildings. Their voices reverberated as they spoke through their
mouthpieces attached to the air tanks. In each building they entered, bodies lay piled on the floor. Not a wound marred them, but their faces had frozen in death masks as they
breathed the poisonous fumes of the bio bombs and died instantly. The bio bombs were just one more violation of peace treaties signed after the first great wars.
A shiver suddenly went through him. The lethal gas of the bio bombs was the same as what had killed his wife and son. Knowing what just one capsule could do, he shuddered at the idea of an entire bomb loaded with the gas.
At that moment, he knew he was defeated. A plan began forming in his mind.
The final clip of the CR showed Bolron, his hands tied behind his back, a hood over his head, and his neck resting on a chopping block. Rittlock towered over him with an upraised sword. Just as Rittlock started to bring the blade down, the screen went black. Though there was nothing left to see, Rodney knew Rittlock would come to him next.
Helen and Lesa sat on the bed in their rooms and played with their dolls.
“I’m going to be a princess one day and live in a great, big castle,” Helen said.
“Don’t be silly. You know castles don’t exist anymore.”
“Castles are more romantic than skyscrapers and domes.”
“I don’t care where I live. I just want a handsome knight to be my protector and my husband.”
“Now you’re being silly.  Knights don’t exist anymore.”
“Yes they do. They just don’t wear armor.”
“Yes, Helen?”
“When we grow up, you’re not going to quit being my friend, are you?”
“Why would you ask such a dumb question?”
“You’re the daughter of someone famous. I’m just an orphan who isn’t important at all.”
“You’re important because you’re my friend, and besides, my dad thinks of you like a daughter anyway.”
“I think your dad just took me in because he wanted someone to keep you busy.”
Lisa took Helen’s doll and set it on the bed. Looking gently into Helen’s eyes, she said, “You’re my best friend, and we will always be best friends.” Then she hugged Helen and held her close as her friend cried quietly.
Merlin sat at a small council table with Lancelot and Arthur. Lancelot studied the wizard who seemed to be far away. His face seemed sad.  “Merlin, do you think we should have an outside wedding so the lower classes can watch?”
Merlin looked up. “Those lower classes form the backbone of your kingdom, and right now, they are not too fond of nobility.”
“I didn’t mean anything bad,” Arthur said. “I want to be their champion. Even if they are not fond of me, they will love Guinivere. So what do you think?”
“You will have to get someone else’s help in planning your wedding. I have other business to attend to.”
“What could be more important than planning my wedding?”
“I must attend a funeral for a friend and check up on family.”
Rodney put on the uniform he had worn when he was a general in the first wars. He took great pride in the fact that the uniform still fit him. The call he dreaded had come, and he waited for Rittlock’s emissaries to arrive.  What puzzled him was why Rittlock had not swooped in and destroyed him as savagely as he had done to the
neighboring states. Did he intend to humiliate them before destroying them? Rodney had already concluded that he would take his own life before he let Rittlock toy with him
as a cat toys with a mouse.
Someone knocked at his door. His assistant stepped into the room and said quietly, “They’re here, Sir.”
“Let them in.”
Two men entered. They wore the uniform Rodney had come to associate with Rittlock’s army. Both snapped a salute to him. Surprised, Rodney returned it.
“Go ahead, Gentleman,” Rodney said.
“Our president Bosley Rittlock wishes to negotiate a treaty with you, his most-respected friend.”
Rodney laughed, but not out of humor. “Negotiate?”
“This, sir, outlines his proposed terms. I think you will find them mutually beneficial.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Read them, Sir. President Rittlock himself will arrive here in one week at this exact same time to finalize any details, but first, he must bury his mother.”
“Is this a joke?”
“I assure you; President Rittlock could not be any more serious.”
When everyone had gone, Merlin walked to the grave and dropped one rose on it. He heard a roar like a mighty dragon overhead. He looked down at the dirt. “What have we done?” he said aloud.
Rittlock sat facing Rodney. “Those are my terms,” he said.
“So, if we give you what you want, you protect us?”
“If you don’t, we destroy you and take what we want.”
“Why don’t you do that anyway?”
“I have reasons which are not your business.”
Beaten, but with some relief, Rodney stood. “I guess we have no choice.” He motioned to an aide who stood nearby. “Go and get the girls.”
“Girls? I only want Trilesa.”
“Helen goes too. She is her friend. It will make it much easier on everyone concerned.”
“All right then. Go get them both,” Rittlock said. “We will wait for them by the zipfire.”
The aide left in search of the two girls.
A second aide sat quietly by Rodney. “I am sorry, sir.”
“Sorry for what?”
The aide blinked in surprise. “You’re losing your daughter.”
“That is not cause for sorrow but for rejoicing.”
“I don’t understand how you can—“
“If you could think objectively for just a minute, you would understand. Rittlock has heard the prophecies. He expects my daughter will bring him a mighty ruler, one to
take over the world when he comes of age. My daughter as mother of the greatest kingdom of all time. Think what that means to me, to our land. Also, we get protection.”
“That does make sense, but it still seems cold.”
“Nonsense,” Rodney said. “Rittlock is the most powerful and most wealthy man in the known world. My daughter will grow up in his household and receive blessings and opportunities that I could never give her.”
Someone softly knocked at the door to the chamber. “Enter.”
Lesa and Helen shuffled into the room as if they feared to be in Rodney’s presence.
“You called, Father.”
“I thought you could use a little fun, Lesa. My visitor, a good friend of mine, has the sleekest, fastest zipfire in the country. When I said how much my daughter would like to have one, he told me he would give you a ride. He’s waiting for you outside.”
Helen’s face lit up.
“I don’t think I want to go,” Lesa said.
“Of course we do!” Helen shouted. “I am sorry, sir, for speaking out in your presence.” She bowed; the smile had left her face and fear replaced it.
“Don’t worry …” Rodney paused and tried to think of the girl’s name, “little girl. I don’t blame you for being excited. Now, both of you, go! One more thing, Rittlock.”
Rittlock turned around impatiently. “What?”
“If anything happens to her there will be hell to pay.”
“You don’t know hell, my friend,” Rittlock said.
Reluctantly, Lesa left the room.
“Look!” Helen saw the silvery sleek zipfire, and her mouth dropped open.
“It’s beautiful,” Lesa admitted.
“This machine runs 300 miles per hour in low gear. In space it can do Mach three.” Rittlock smiled at them. His green eyes sparkled. “Get in; we’ll take a ride.”
The door slid open, allowing Helen and Lesa to enter. Then, it quickly shut.
Rittlock looked at his advisor. “Can you wipe out any part of her memory?”
“With one so young, it might be dangerous.”
“Try it on the other one first,” Rittlock said. “If she survives, she can be Lesa’s servant. Then, we work on Lesa.”
“Yes, sir.” The man saluted.
The zipfire rose slowly off the ground, its running tires folding back into the bay area of the ship. It hovered for a brief second as the engines engaged, and after it
reached full power, it zipped away as if it had never been there.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


I wanted to write for just a couple of minutes before I settled in for the night. I have been gone for a night or two so I didn't blog last night at all. I started to plot out a screenplay idea. Now that my novel has failed I might try something different although writing a screenplay will do nothing but propagate the cycle of failure because the odds of a missouri screenwriter as old as I actually getting anyone to buy a screenplay are virtually nil. However, I like that form and sometimes when I do one it helps my other stuff. I have two weeks off from school and I will spend at least three days of that catching up on school work and another day writing an article for act, but aside from those chores I will have some time to think about my writing and perhaps do some of it.

Today we were doing some shaping in my favorite town when we got behind a lady trying to buy a few things. My wife and Ihave this penchant for getting in the slow lines at stores. Well this lady in front of us tried to pay for her stuff with three different cards, none of which had money in them. She told the clerk she had money in all of her accounts because she had just deposited it that day. Anybody with any sense at all knows that the money doesn't show up on the account until the next day. We got in another line in a busy store and made it all the way up to the cash register. The cashier asked the lady if she wanted to apply for a store credit card. Of course with a dozen people behind her she decided that would be a good idea. Merry Christmas to all! And to all, goodnight!

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