Monday, December 12, 2011

A Rant

I could write about a lot of different things tonight.  In fact, my brain is swimming with things so much that I don't know really what to focus on.  I don't want to bore anyone. I could rant a little.  Perhaps that's a good place to begin.  There's a website that is supposed to be a community forum.  I'm not even going to give its name because I don't think anyone should read it, and I'm afraid if I mention it, people will flock to it and read it.  At any rate, this "forum" enable people to start discussions and post stuff anonymously.  As if teenagers didn't have enough ways to torment each other, they are now using this forum to post absolutely horrible things about other kids.  We have heard of the number of suicides that are linked to cyber and  other forms of bullying.  Who is taking responsibility for these tragedies?  No one; there is absolutely no accountability.  I sent notes to CBS news and my local news station to see if they would feature the site or investigate them or something.  It sickens me to read what kids -- and yes, adults, say about others without any fear of recrimination.  I think one of the biggest problems that we have in this country is that people don't want to be held accountable for their actions.  They won't take responsibility.  Part of this I blame on parents who think their darling children can do no wrong.  When I was a kid, if my parents found out I got in trouble at school, I was in trouble at home too.  It didn't matter -- let me repeat that, IT DID NOT MATTER, if I was in the right or in the wrong --  I was in trouble.  It truly is not like that anymore.  I despise bullying and I despise bullies.  I'm finished for now.

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