Thursday, December 8, 2011

One bird that has flown south.

Albert Pujols is now an Angel.  I've read a lot of different opinions on his decision to leave the Cardinals.  In some ways I am very disappointed -- in him, yes, but not because he's gone somewhere for more money.  Many people do that.  But because he always said it was never about money.  He deserves to be the highest paid player in the major leagues.  Many people say that no athlete deserves to be paid that kind of money, and while that's true, the athlete can't be paid that kind of money if an owner doesn't offer it to him.  As long as they pay, and the fans pay, the players will get outrageous salaries.  One day it will all collapse.  Then, everyone will be out of luck.  In another way, I am happy that the Cardinals did not spend 25 million dollars a year.  If they are determined to keep their payrolls at 110 million, they can't afford to tie up 20% in one guy.  Well, we'll see if they have the sense to use the money saved to pick up a couple of good free agents.  It will all be worth watching this off season.  I wonder how many good years Albert has left in him. I doubt if it's ten.

I don't know if I have much else to say tonight.  I'm really tired -- mentally and physically tonight.  I am having knee pain, back pain, and pain in a few other places no one would really want to know about.  My acid reflux is cropping up again because I have had some sodas this week.  I haven't really drunk much diet soda lately.  I've been drinking tea instead.  Diet Soda doesn't like me though I like it a great deal.

My Thursday night class is officially over now.  I truly liked the class.  Good people in that class.  Nice thinkers who loved a good conversation.  Now, I have a ton of papers to grade to get finished for the semester.  I have work to grade in all of my high school classes and both of my night classes.  My Wednesday night class ends next Wednesday.

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