Monday, December 26, 2011


Another Christmas is behind us. I spent the whole day yesterday with the stomach flu. I was so sick. It started Christmas Eve night and continued throughout most of the day yesterday, but I feel better today. Now, my wife is sick with it it. It's absolutely horrible. My two nieces and now apparently, my sister has it. Earlier in the week, my dad and my other sister had it. Fortunately, it only hangs around for about a day. I'm not making many resolutions this year because I don't generally keep them. Sometimes, I feel as if I am living my life in a fog, drifting from here to there with little guidance from my part. Maybe I should be happy where I am. I have a steady job. I have a lovely family. I write and actually sell some material. I've published plays that were actually produced by schools. I've helped some people, inspired others every now and then. Yet, I feel as if I have flunked the pyramid of needs. I certainly have not reached the self actualization level; nor do I feel as if I ever met the self esteem level. However, I am not going to harp on my shortcomings here. Rather, I should resolve to be more grateful for the things that I do have. We should all be that way. One thing that hurts me is that I am very introspective. I won't say I'm selfish because I don't see myself that way, but I do think I can be self centered. In tests of multiple intelligences, I have always scored out the roof in intrapersonal intelligence and very low in interpersonal intelligence. I get along with people just fine, but I don't relate to them as well as I should. I'm sure that has stymied some of my goals and aspirations. Howard Gardner is an intelligent man. Maslow is also very interesting to read. If I had it all to do over again, I think I would have majored in psychology. I would like to work in research, study how the mind works, or doesn't work depending on the person. Today, when I feel a little stronger, I am going to grade some papers. Yuck. I have to do it though. I do need to set goals every year. I think a goal and a resolution are different because a goal can be much more realistic. In my writing goals this year, I would like to finish one YA novel and get it published and one screenplay and get it optioned. Did I say realistic? I also must find a way to spend less time grading papers. As always, I would like to teach at a college or university, but that won't likely happen. (Perhaps I am way too negative.) I have only a master's degree not a phd, and I am not going to go back to school at this late period in time. I do have the qualifications though. In addition to 28 years teaching experience, 20 part time on the junior college level, I write for the ACT test. I've worked with the state in setting up scoring guides for essays in state exams. I have written award-winning lesson plans, published in all kinds of places, including the English journal, and I am just a good teacher -- or at least I think so. Well, enough for now. I need more coffee.

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