Saturday, December 3, 2011

Free as a Bird

It's a beautiful day today in Arcadia.  The sun is shining brightly; the temperature is 58 degrees.  It is supposed to get colder and we're going to have some kind of precipitation Monday, but whether it is going to be rain, snow, sleet, or freezing rain is anybody's guess.  In Missouri, the old fashioned way of doing the weather is still the most accurate.  Hang a cloth outside.  If it's wet, it raining.  If there's ice on in then it's freezing rain -- you get my point.  We never know for sure.  What is even more frustrating is that it can change quickly.

This has been a lazy morning for me in many ways.  I prepared the brief summary of about the fifth incarnation of my Dean Knight novel and did character sketches on the two primary characters.
Then I emailed them to Children's Literature Institute.  They will assign a new instructor to me, and I will basically start the entire process over.  I liked April Lurie who was my original instructor, but she took a teaching position at a college.  (Happy birthday, April, by the way.)  She believes in my writing talent and has encouraged me a lot, but I have trouble coming up with a decent story to tell.  Mine are way too complicated and difficult to capture.  Anyway, I simplified the plot.

I just recently purchased a subscription to Apple Match so that I could get my music on Icloud so that I could listen to any of it whenever I have an internet connection.  It has been loading songs and uploading artwork for twelve hours or so.  I have thousands of songs stored on my computer.  Icloud, according to what I have read, will store up to 10,000 songs from sources other than itunes but unlimited amounts from itunes.  I'm not sure how all this works, but I really want my music to be available to me when I have my ipad without the songs eating up all of the memory on the device.  I am probably doing all of it wrong, but I'm not sure.

Megan isn't coming home this weekend because she works.  We really miss her when she can't come home.  Tonight though is going to be a fun night because my niece Courtney is having her wedding reception.  I truly enjoy being with my family even though it will never be the same without her around.

By the way, Meemaw, I heard "Freebird."  Thanks.

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