Monday, December 26, 2011

How I managed to waste the entire day today.

In today's society, there are just too many ways available to waste time. The last hour and a half it's been the television show House.  They are episodes from a year or two ago.  They have both been pretty interesting.  This one I am watching now is especially good.  House is lying in a bath tub operating on himself to remove tumors from his leg because he took some experimental medicine without it being fully approved.

There has been something worthless occupying my time all day.  Also, I have not been feeling well so I've not exactly felt like doing much anyway.  Most of the day has been spent on the computer.  Several times I have gone into the net to check email, update my Facebook, and see what's going on.  Also, I spent some of my time reading, well rereading Blake Snyder's Save the Cat.  It's a really good book, and a good man who wrote it.  He was actually approachable.  When I first got his book, I sent him a couple of emails which he promptly answered personally.  I doubt if Blake Snyder enterprises today takes the time to answer emails from wannabe screenwriters.  I also wrote a couple of pages in my journal.  I still keep a journal even though I have all kinds of computers that I could do journals and other stuff on.  It's one way to keep in touch with my writing roots.  There is something about holding a pen in hand and writing on real paper that feels right. (no pun intended ... feels write ... get it?)

I haven't blogged today yet, and just to illustrate what I mean by allowing myself to be distracted, let me tell you that I started this blog over an hour ago.

The other thing that distracted me for about three hours was the Missouri Tigers Bowl Game.  They whipped North Carolina soundly and looked good doing it.  North Carolina could not stop Franklin or anyone else on the offense.  It is a good way to end the season before they become part of the SEC next year.  I believe they will get their rears handed to them several times next season.   A 7-5 record in the SEC conference will really mean something.  The move will give them greater opportunities I think.  More money for their programs, more national exposure.

Now, I am watching Castle.  Another distraction.

Tomorrow, I have to grade papers and do some writing.  I need to do something constructive right now which is not blogging.  I need to sign off.

Have a happy New Year everyone.

1 comment:

  1. It's all too easy. There are far too many distractions. I sometimes wish I lived a five hundred years ago. I could still do the things I enjoy doing now, then (running, meditating, writing, etc), but I wouldn't have all the distractions!


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