Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Short but Sweet

I wrote about four pages of my screenplay today.
I brainstormed about my young adult novel.  I want to announce that I believe in Kharma, only I consider it more like divine intervention.  I have been worrying myself over my YA fiction that never seems to go anywhere.  Today, in the mail, I got a book called Writing Young Adult Fiction, which I don't remember ordering.  I'm sure I did, but the fact that it miraculously arrived when I was thinking about abandoning my pursuit of YA fiction seems to be more that just a coincidence.
I should try writing some poetry.  I used to write a lot of poetry, but it was when I was letting my cyclothymia go untreated, and I usually wrote only when I was depressed,  My poetry was so depressing my wife refused to read it.  I do remember one Christmas, however, when I gave my wife the ultimate Christmas present.  I wrote her a love song.  At the time, a student of mine was recording a CD, and she recorded the song for me.  The song was called "Living, Growing, Love". In it I used an extended, and fairly obvious metaphor, of a tree and compared it to love.  I still have the recording of it somewhere.  It's on cassette.  If there were any way I could post it, I would, but I have no clue as to how.
It impressed her for a few months.  This year, I have ordered her Christmas gifts online, and I'm waiting anxiously, hoping that they actually get here for Christmas.  None of them will really surprise her because she picked them out.  She needs clothes and she wants the kind she wants.  I can't blame her for that.
In other news, Rams wide receiver Austin Pettis was suspended for four games for testing positive to performance enhancing drugs.  I made the comment on my Facebook page that the way the Rams were performing he should go to his dealer and demand a refund.  No new baseball news except that the Cardinals seem to be pursuing two free agents Coco Crisp (yes, that's his name) and Carlos Beltrane.  I hope they get Beltrane.  He could really help this club immensely.  He won't replace Albert, but he will help.  The Blues are playing some great hockey.  I went to see them a few days ago.  Hockey is best enjoyed when witnessed live and in person.
I am in the process of putting all of my music on iCloud or however you say that.  Though, I don't fully understand the process, I do know that I have about 1,300 songs in my file.  Most of them are classic rock with some country.  I like all kinds of music though.  Lately, I have begun to rediscover the blues and find that I truly like Susan Tedeschi and a couple of others.  Many rock and roll bands started with the blues.  One of my favorite bands of all time The Allman Brothers is going to get a lifetime achievement award this year.  Greg Allman came out with a blues album last year that was very good.  Of course, on my iPad I also have groups like Jem, Katy Perry, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, Martina McBride, Garth Brooks -- you get the point.  I love all kinds of music.
I am not so depressed lately.  Though I will never get over my mother's death, the pain lessens a little.  She has been really good about dropping us little signs that she's doing fine.  I know most people think that's a ridiculous idea, but I don't.  I believe in God, and I believe God can be approached in many different ways.  I also believe that God approaches us in many different ways.  One day there are two major topics I will cover in my blog that I haven't touched on much.  One is my religious philosophy which every religion, Christian, Muslim, Jew and all the others would deem heretical.  Also, when I get up the nerve, I'll get into my battles with cyclothymia which is bipolar's cousin.
I don't intend to do that now though.  I have already written more than I wanted.
You know, there's a subject I think I need to write about.  I believe if I wrote about it, many doors in my subconscious would open up and I would create some great stuff.  However, the subject is an old wound, and I fear that by ripping the bandage off, I might bleed to death.
Well, that's all I have to say about that.

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