Sunday, September 4, 2011

A glass darkly

There's a scripture in the Bible about how we now see through a glass darkly but that one day we will see clearly.  When I experience things I do not understand, I remember this scripture.  I look forward to the day when I can walk up to the big guy and say,  "Okay, you have some explaining to do."  More often than not things do no make sense.  The world seems to be perpetually cloaked in subterfuge and facades.

Do we see ourselves when we look in the mirror or do we see what we think everyone wants us to be.  How many people try to be 100% themselves all of the time?  I'm guessing it doesn't happen.  How many people look in the mirror every now and then and ask, "Is this who I am?  Is this who I want to be?  Or am I some conglomerations of bits and pieces that others have stuck to me and I've left alone?"

I guess we can't be 100% ourselves at all time because there are roles we have to fill in the world.

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