Wednesday, January 11, 2012


 Teaching is becoming more and more of a hassle these days.  I am a good teacher, and I know that in my lifetime I have influenced kids in a positive way, and I have taught them valuable skills. Yet, teaching is being attacked from every angle.  Don't people know that if legislation against teachers and attacks on teacher "perks" as some people call them continue that it will be harder and harder to get good people interested into going into education? If fewer talented people go into education, then the educational system gets worse.  I don't follow the logic of legislators who continually attack education.
I have gotten to the point where all the abuse of teachers is going to drive me out of education.  I don't necessarily want to leave, and I don't know that I could since I am older, but if I were younger why would I want to get into a job where the rewards are few and the hassle and pressure are great and just keep getting greater.  It's easy to blame teachers for the problems of society.  For the last two years especially, I feel as if I have had a target on my back.

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