Thursday, January 12, 2012

First snow day of the year.

Though it was unexpected, today's snow day was appreciated. I haven't yet gotten back into gear for this semester, so I was quite tired. When I found out we did not have school, I went back to bet and slept for another four and a half hours. It felt good though I didn't actually need it. We were, hoever, going to get a three day weekend but now Monday will be used as a makeup day. Oh, well, it has been a long time since we got MLK day off, so I shouldn't get used to it anyway. My night class was also canceled tonight, so I don't have to worry about it. The other night classes start next week anyway, so I thought it a bit odd to begin one day's this week. I can tell you it's bitterly cold today here. Though the temperature is in the 20's, it feels as if it is in the single digits. It's going to be bad again tonight, but then, on Saturday, the temperatures are going to go back to the 50's. Missouri weather, well frankly, it sucks. I haven't done much this morning except enjoyed it. I bought an album on iTunes. I used to have Neil Young's Comes A Time on cassette, but of course, cassettes are no longer in vogue. Recently, I purchased a rather handy little device -- at least it will be handy when I learn how to use it correctly -- that changes cassette tape music into mp3's. At any rate I messed with this converter for hours last night, and in the process destroyed my Neil Young Comes a Time tape. After roughly five hours of messing with this gadget and thinking -- though not saying, because my daughter's fiancee was in the room -- several profane words, I finally got the thing to record and then export some music as an mp3 players. It wasn't working so I finally looked at the directions only to determine that I needed to download a file before I could actually export the tape files as mp3's. I finally managed to get one side of the Moody Blues Sur La Mere tape recorded and exported. However, I didn't do something right with the recording level and the sound was much too soft. When I work up the courage and patience, I will give it all one more try. Several years ago, in 1993, (I remember the date because it was the year Missouri had some very heave flooding) I saw the Moody Blues in concert with the ST. Louis symphony orchestra. It was an amazing show. Great classic rock and roll which like a lot of rock band music began with a touch of the blues. OUr bird feeders have been inundated with all kinds of birds today because of the snow. We have seen a dozen Cardinals or more. Cardinals were my mother's favorite bird. They ae so beautiful and so tough, just like my mom was. I am probably talking too much at the moment so I should sign off. Cardinal flutters, Shaking feathers dusted with snow cascade of red tears. That, my friends, is a really bad haiku that will make sense to no one other than myself.

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