Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Night Classes

It's going to take me a while to get back in shape for my night classes.  Even though I don't lecture for two and a half hours (the typical length of a night class), my throat still gets a little raw and scratchy.  I have a cough that I thinkt is caused by years of talking too much.  It isn't helped by the fact that I periodically suffer from acid reflux.  I get hoarse easily and I start coughing a lot when I am eating or drinking.  I swallow the least bit funny and it catches the back part of my throat which apparently bears a cough button.   It seems as if I am always getting choked on my own spit or what I swallow.  I have thought about getting an endoscopy to make sure I have no major problems, but it really doesn't hurt.  It just feels a little scratchy and irritated when I talk all day.  Unfortunately, in teaching, there are days when you cannot avoid talking all day.
My students are doing their first journal assignment of the semester.  They will do at least one weekly and they will read some of them aloud.  It holds them accountable for doing their best work if I make them read it aloud.  It helps also when I have a really good writer because the students hear what a really good essay sounds like.  So when they journal, I blog -- which is sort of a journal. 
I do need to sign out though and get back to work.  Thirty minutes to end of class.  I'm very tired tonight.

Class is over.  I will not be up up much longer because I am very tired.

I entered the first ten pages of my screenplay in a contest.  Every entry gets feedback in three to five weeks whether or not it was a winner.  I need to get some outside eyes, because mine are so nearsighted.

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