Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thankful for baseball

I'm glad St. Louis has the Cardinals.  The Rams are already losing their game 7-0.  The Cardinals may have scored more last night than the Rams will score today.  The Cowboys had a 91 yard touchdown run.  Sam Bradford has a high ankle sprain and is not playing.  A.J. Feeley is the quarterback.  We do have a good receiver finally.  I don't know a lot about him, but I think he's been very good in the past.  Anything is better than what we have had.  I can't think of his name, but he played for Denver last year. Ah, Brandon Loyd is his name. Wow, the Rams just got a first down. The Rams just fumbled.  Sigh.

Jason Smith of the Rams is down on the field.  He got his head knocked back when he made the tackle.  They're taking him out on a stretcher.  The man is not moving at all.  I hope and pray he's okay. He moved his hands as he went off.

I really am not a one dimensional writer; sports isn't the only thing I can write about.  It's just the excitement of the World Series.  I am thinking a lot about my novel but not actually doing a lot of writing.  I am the great procrastinator.  I think perhaps it all arises out of the lack of visible success I have had.  I have no trouble writing my ACT stuff because they accept nearly everything I send, and I get a nice check for it.  I am not so lucky in my fiction and in my other kinds of writing.  With the lack of visible rewards, I sometimes feel as if I am wasting my time.  Writing should be its own reward rather or not you get published or not. I tell myself that anyway, but deep down, we all want to be published and we want people to read what we have written and we also want to get paid for what we do.

I need to grade some of my students' journals.  The second quarter has just started, and I'm looking forward to it.  My daughter has this book she's been using in her college class called Inside Out Strategies for Teaching Writing, and I looked it over.  Very impressed with what I saw, I went online and ordered my own copy of it.  I should get it in a couple of weeks. We have a short week at school this week.  In fact, the students are only there through Wednesday, and then, rumor has it that the following Monday is Senior skip day.  If that's the case, I'll have a really slow week.  I don't mind.  I have been hard at it all year.  I kind of need a slow week.

I should go now and do something constructive.

We need to offer up some prayers for the people of Turkey today.  A devastating earthquake has hit there.

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