Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday morning coming down

The Beautiful one -- the one in the purple dress -- that's my daughter.

This is the kind of Saturday morning I live for. I'm sipping my coffee and just thinking.  I slept in until nine o'clock, and I look at my day and realize I have no pressing issues.  I have no place I have to be.  Nothing I just absolutely have to do.  I'm sitting here in my sweats and bathrobe and relaxing.  How many times do we get to do this?  Who does it when they get the chance?

I could be busy on something if I wanted to be, but right now, I don't want to be.  My poor, unfortunate wife had to go to her school this morning and proctor the ACT test.  My daughter, safely home from college for the weekend, is still asleep upstairs.  Parts of our town are bustling.  It is the annual Fall Festival, a yearly celebration that brings people from the valley who have scattered to the four winds back to watch a parade, celebrate class reunions, and a host of other things all in anticipation of the coronation to be held tonight at the high school.  One girl from each class voted on by the males in the class will strut her talent on stage tonight in hopes of getting that elusive Fall Festival Queen.  My daughter got it two years ago.  It was a big deal to her and her class.  Each one of the classes competes in four areas:  a work day to see how much money they can raise, float building, talent show, and votes at the door.  For the first time in a long time, I don't really know any of the four candidates who are running for queen.

As I sit here, I realize that any minute now, the parade will be rolling by my house, and my quiet reverie will be broken by the sounds of bands playing, firetrucks' blowing their sirens, crazy kids and adults honking their horns, and general chaos ensuing.  This will  last about fifteen minutes at best and then it will all die away.

Tonight, game three of the world series is going to happen.  The Cardinals need to win two out of three in Texas.  If they don't, it will be hard to come back in St. Louis.  They have to win at least one to stave off elimination.

I do intend to write today. I am just in no hurry to start it.  I am going to sign off.  Later.

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