Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Let's talk about reading and NANOWRIMO

I think I may be getting messages from the universe that I need to be reading more than I have been.  Let me say first that I love to read, and because I love to read, I also like to write.  I want to be able to create worlds that Geeks like me can get lost in.  When I was a kid, my fave kind of novel was mystery.  I read Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, but my absolute favorite series was Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators.  In high school, I read the usual stuff: Catcher in the Rye, Stranger in a Strange Land, (lots of science fiction), Helter Skelter, Alive -- I didn't have any favorite genres except maybe science fiction.  In college, as an English major, I read the classics mostly with the exception of one modern novels class.  An old girlfriend's father introduced me to Stephen King -- the first Stephen King book I read was the Dead Zone.  After that, I read all the King and Koontz books I could get my hands on.  Intermixed with my love for horror was a love for fantasy also.  The two genres are somewhat linked I think.  I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit during Christmas break of 1977, and these books really hit me in the heart because I was getting ready to go to a big university from a community college.  As corny as it seems, I saw my leaving for college as a kind of journey to find the magic rings.

Before My  Bald Spot Grew So Large

Since I have been writing young adult fiction, I read a lot of it.  Today at the book fair, I bought two books.  One looks very interesting.  It's called the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.  I looked at a few pages and became immediately enthralled.  It's a murder mystery, so perhaps it's taking me back to my childhood, but it also has a narrator who suffers from autism.  This viewpoint really interests me because in my novel I have a narrator who sees things in a different way.  From what I have read so far, all I can say is, "Wow.  It is excellent."  The other book is Reckless, by Cornelia Funke who wrote the Inkheart trilogy.  I loved those books and am looking forward to reading this one.  The final word from the universe was spoken to me when I came home.  I received a package from Gotham Writer's Workshop. In it is a writing book called Story Line that I won in their monthly contest.  I NEVER win anything.  I was very excited.

I was NOT excited about the World Series game last night.  The Cardinals did not look good.  I can only hope that coming back to St. Louis will bring them their luck back.

I think I am going to try the NANOWRIMO this year.  I have the plan for my book lined out.  50,000 words is about the size I want it to be.  Can I do this?  I don't know. 

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