Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sitting on my can, thinking, I think we can; I think we can.

                                 I have no clue as to why I took this picture of myself.

The Cardinals and the Phillies are tied with one win apiece in the divisional playoffs.  They are on television currently, and after three innings, there is no score.  Jaime Garcia looks sharp on the mound.  The Cardinals do not look so sharp in the batting box, however.  Yes, I am going to sit here for at least two more hours despite all the work I need to do and watch this ball game because I think we can -- we, the Cardinals -- we can win this game.

I have been listening to the cast recording of the broadway play "Next to Normal".  It is incredible. I'm feeling a lot of mixed emotions as I listen to it.  I don't think I have ever heard bipolar disorder dealt with in this manner.  The play tells the story of a mother who hallucinates, seeing her dead son. Meanwhile, she battles bipolar disorder, and her entire family is dysfunctional.  It talks about the experiments with medicine and the ECT's and how she forgot her life basically.  It is heart wrenching.  However, it's not heart-wrenching in a movie of the week or after school special heart wrenching way.  I even like the music, which is basically rock.  The woman who plays the lead has a tremendous voice.

 I would like to write a musical again.  Yes, again.  I wrote one once, and even got a musician to put my lyrics to music.  The only problem with my musical was that it was bad, horribly bad, in fact.  Gut wrenching, high school dramas about bullying were not in vogue when I wrote Day in the Life.  I'd like to try writing another one, but I don't know if it would be worth the time.  I mean, I don't know if I could write anything that anyone would want to actually publish.  I would want to write a drama, not a comedy.  Drama doesn't do as well as comedy in the world of high school drama.  At any rate, I've not totally given up the idea, but I haven't gotten the fire.

The sales figures for my novel's first month will be coming out by the end of the week.  I am only hoping I break double digits. I know of a few people who have bought it.  I haven't gotten a lot of feedback from it yet.  I hope that's not a bad sign.  In other writing news, ACT has accepted another one of my articles for the ACT test.  The lady I work with also gave me a good idea for another article.  I just absolutely "stumbled" into the ACT opportunity, and now that I have, I write for them regularly.  It's been a great gig.

Now, might be a good time to close with a crossbyte about opportunity.

Opportunity is shy.  It waits for appreciative people to recognize it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I just stumbled upon your blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and good luck with the novel. Everything can be an opportunity, so go for it.


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