Saturday, October 1, 2011

Profile update: author

I updated my Facebook profile to include "author" as part of my work.  For the first time last year, I actually had to make a list of writing-related deductions so my writing income would not increase my taxes.  I'm not bragging at all, but it was an important milestone for me.  I want to stress that the income increase did NOT result from some amazing novel publication or the optioning of a screenplay -- no, nothing big like that.  It resulted from years of plugging away -- years after I gave up my pipe dream of being an overnight millionaire writer -- and finding my niche as a writer. (By the way, isn't niche a cool word?  I never know if I should pronounce it in the actual French fashion, which I assume would be something like Neesh or if I should Americanize it and call it Nitch.  I prefer the French version.  I love the way French sounds.  That goes all the way back to this really hot French teacher I had in high school. Ms. Houston -  Renee.  She was gorgeous.  I often wonder what she's doing.  Sorry -- got off the subject.)

The vast majority of writers will never become millionaires.  I put myself into that category.

Writing is a balance between art and skill.  It's a good bet that whatever idea you come up with as a writer, someone else has thought of it before you.  So, what can you do?  I'll address that some other time -- although I'm not sure if I am qualified to do so.   When I think of editors, I don't think of some person who is spending hours upon hours looking at manuscripts trying to find that one gem, he or she can nurse to fruition.  Perhaps, cynically, I see an overworked person who is looking for reasons to reject manuscripts.  I know what it's like to sit and grade 50 to 60 essays.  I can't imagine grading 50 - 60 novels.  Do you think an editor is going to read past the first page or so of every novel?  You have to give him or her a reason to.

Now, here's my point.  Make sure that you do NOT have grammar errors in you manuscript.  If you do, it will not get read -- regardless of how brilliant your ideas are.  You will not succeed as a writer if you do NOT know the basics of grammar.

End of rant.

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