Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday! Saturday! S A T U R D A Y! Saturday!

I doubt if many people remember the Bay City Rollers, but my title is an homage to them.  Saturday Night was their one hit.  It was catchy; I can still sing it in my head.  We all love the weekends.

This promises to be a good one.  Less than three days ago, it got down in the 20's (Fahrenheit) here in Missouri, and it is supposed to get up to around 70 today.  The sun is shining brightly.  It is no wonder that so many people get sick.  When a person wakes up in the morning this time of year in Missouri, he or she has no idea what to expect.  It is changeable.  I envision two huge celestial beings, Mr. Winter and Mr. Fall, wrestling on some cosmic wrestling mat, and when one gets the upper hand, the weather reflects it.  Of course, we all know that Winter will indeed win out within the next few weeks.  We have had a nice fall.  A lot of people will say that it went right from summer to winter with little fall, but that isn't really true.  While the transitional seasons do seem to be shorter in Missouri (spring and fall), we do get them.  Both are my favorite times of the year.

To me both seasons bring expectations that are kind of ephemeral -- that is hard to define.  I know spring means the end of the school year for me, and I always expect I will accomplish so much in the summer.  Here it is 53 years gone past, and I haven't accomplished what I want --most likely, never will.  I don't know what it is about fall.  There is the expectation of the holidays, I believe; also, the knowledge that time is slipping by and another year is about to end.  Also, there is restlessness for me.  I always feel like something is going to happen.  It doesn't, and I wind up disappointed, because I -- as a half full kind of person -- always expect something good.  Just the fact that I haven't had fantastic things happen in my life should make me more of a realistic person, but I don't think I'll go there.  Don't get me wrong.  I thank God daily for the blessings I do have, but I have always had unrealistic expectations.

Part of my optimism, I think, comes from the cyclothymia I have.  I have dark, depressing days, but I always bounce back.  Well, enough for now.  I hope you have enjoyed hearing from the common joe.

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