Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Checking in

Police are cracking down on the Wall Street Occupiers in different parts of the country.  I hope this whole situation does not disintegrate into uncontrollable violence and riots.  I can understand where the Occupiers are coming from.  I wouldn't call myself poor by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel myself getting stretched tighter and tighter with taxes and other, daily expenses.  I just put $40 worth of gas in my car.  Fortunately, for me, my car gets 27 to 30 miles per gallon, and I save money that way.  Every time, I see prices in the grocery stores go up and see the packages for the groceries get smaller, I fume.  It's almost impossible to get a half gallon of ice cream anymore.  Now, you get three pints, a quart and a half.  I have health insurance provided by my employer, but I pay more and more out of my own pocket every year.  I don't see how people who have no insurance do it.  The problem I see with this whole occupy movement is that it lacks focus; it's more of a general feeling of discontent.  Of course, there are those who are trying to fuel the fires just to see destruction.  What the movement needs is a leader, but personally, I don't know that there are many leaders around today.  Certainly not in politics.  (In either party.)

Where is our country going?  I'm not sure, but I worry.  If I remember Shakespeare's Julius Caesar correctly, the conspirators didn't fear the people because they believed that with the head -- Caesar -- cut off, then the body would flounder around helplessly.  At times, I see our country that way -- as a headless body with all its parts trying to squirm in opposite directions.  I wonder when the pressures from all the differing viewpoints will pull hard enough to tear our body apart completely.  In Julius Caesar, Mark Antony and two other members of a triumverate established a kingdom that basically oppressed the people.

Just a thought.  Feel free to disagree.  You won't get me to change my mind, but it is still a free country the last time I checked.

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