Friday, August 12, 2011


It's interesting to me that the most evocative sense is the sense of smell.  Supposedly, smells create strong emotional reactions.  There is actually a scientific explanation -- sort of -- for that, but I can't remember it all. Think about it; it's true.

I was thinking about the smell of rain.  How crisp, clean, and pure it smells!  I don't know if anyone else has ever had this experience, but I have been outside when I've suddenly gotten a whiff of rain even though it wasn't raining at the moment.  Sometimes, when I tell my wife that I smell rain, she looks at me as if I'm a little odd.  I don't know if I am sensitive to smells or maybe I'm having olfactory hallucinations.  We just got a really great shower by the way.  We needed it.  I'm glad I finished cutting my grass yesterday.

Also, think of the smell of honeysuckle.  One of the most wonderful smells in the world.  It makes me thing of my grandma.  Did I dream this or did we actually eat the honey -- I guess, you'd call it -- out of the honeysuckle blossoms?  I seem to remember doing that.

Another smell that I will never forget is a perfume called Charlie.  If it was even made today, I think I would recognize it instantly.

I could list many more smells that have memories tied up with them, but I will move on to the next subject.

I skipped ahead and wrote the very last scene of my novel today.  I was a bit blocked, and since I've known for a long time how I was going to end it, I just went ahead and wrote it.  I wrote three or four pages.  I think I'm going to go write the next to the last chapter next.  It will be the toughest one to write in the entire book.

Otherwise, I did some real work today, some stuff for the ACT people that I will actually get paid for eventually.  I enjoy writing for them.  It's satisfying even if I never get a byline in a national magazine.  It's also good practice for me as there is a strict word count and I have to be very careful with the subject matter. So far they have been happy with my work. I think I've had three rejections from them and at least ten acceptances. Plus, I write questions for what other people write.  I would tell you more but then I'd have to kill you.  Just kidding.  I do have to sign a non disclosure agreement whenever I write something for them.  I really enjoy doing it and I am also providing a valuable service.  Someone has to write for the ACT test.

I don't want to keep on and on because I would like for people to read my blog and they won't if it's too long and boring.

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