Monday, August 8, 2011

Facebook Addict or Feeling Special

I am writing today. My goal is to get ten pages of my novel finished. I have two only because I have wasted the last half hour on Facebook. Why is Facebook so addicting? I have a theory that it is a subtle attempt we have at establishing some self worth. We want people to read our Facebook statuses because we want to be noticed. We want people to authenticate our worthiness. Have you honestly taken time to think about why you write so much on Facebook or twitter or whatever social site you prefer? We have all kinds of ways to become addicts. Is it possible we do most anything to fritter away the hours rather than think about the possibility that our lives don't have much meaning? People don't want to stop and think, so they busy themselves by doing things that seem important and worthwhile. By the way, I don't think our lives have no meaning; I do believe, however, that none of us are special which creates a problem because we really want to be. We want to stand out from the hordes of people that share this planet with us. I'm talking in circles, and I do apologize for that. I am feeling philosophical. I think the answer to this desire we have is to focus on our own families, our own lives, our own pursuits etc. If we realize we are special to a few people, we could concentrate on making them feel special.

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