Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lancelot Teaser: Just a short scene to give you a feel for the book.

Below is the scene in Lancelot and the Tides of Time in which Lancelot meets Merlin for the first time. Remember, the book comes out in September. Help me put my daughter through college. :-)

“You can change things, Lancelot.” Her body relaxed in death.

Someone grabbed him by his hair and jerked him backwards so suddenly he dropped his sword and shield. He struggled to break free, expecting a sword or a dagger to slash through him. He almost wished one would. His attacker pulled him to the ground and pressed the point of a sword against his chest.

“Go ahead and kill me.”

“I don’t think so,” his captor said.

Lancelot looked into the face of a stranger with dark hair and a thick beard. The man held him to the ground not with a sword but with a long wood staff.

An invader raised a sword over his head. Lancelot thought he would surely die, but the stranger cracked the invader right across the face with his staff. Lancelot jumped up.

“You idiot,” He then knocked Lancelot back to the ground and stuck the staff against his chest. The silence returned. Lancelot saw the battle raging all around him, but he heard nothing. "Magic," he muttered.

"One day you will learn to respect magic."

“Who are you?” Lancelot struggled to rise.

“The man who’s saving your life.”

“Let me die with my people.”

“Don’t be stupid. You’re not meant to die. Now, we must do something.”

“Let me up.”

The man pressed down even harder with his staff. Lancelot went rigid.

“We can do this easy or we can do this hard. If I have to take you out, it will take you weeks to recover. If you cooperate, you can start fulfilling your destiny now.”

“My destiny is here.”

“Have you forgotten what your mother just told you?”

Anger surged through Lancelot as he knocked the staff aside.

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