Thursday, August 25, 2011

What do I do ...about salaciousness.

What do I do to make this blog something people want to read every day?  Make their hearts palpitate until they open the link and gaze at the words and then breathe a sigh of relief?  I'm not salacious (I'm not entirely sure what that word means, but I like the sound of it), and I'm not famous.  I'm just a common joe and I think I believe the way a lot of other common joes believe about a lot of common joe things.  (There is that tendency to rant about grammar issues at times. Can't help that.  I AM an English teacher.)  I am not vulgar either.  I could mark "adult content" on the descriptor of this blog, but that would be a lie unless you think about the fact that I am an adult and this is my content.  Still, that would be cheating, and I want to build a readership, not alienate readers.

I do fancy myself a writer, and my name is Steven.  Steven Cross is close to Stephen King, but my writing isn't, either in quality or in content.  He sometimes writes salaciously.  (It even sounds good as an adverb.) I know I have readers, but I would like to have hundreds of readers, thousands even.  Can a common person rise above his commonness and resonate with a vast horde of people?  I guess we'll see as I continue this experiment.

I'm going to post my links again.  Remember Sir Lancelot and the Tides of Times is available for preorder now, and you can have it immediately on your Kindle.  It's a fast read.  Some action, suspense, a bit of violence, but it's not too salacious.

Oh, by the way, I'm really tired tonight.  The last two nights I have taught night classes in addition to my day classes.  So if this sounds a bit trippy, it's because my brain is tired.  At my age it doesn't take much to overtax the poor thing.

For your Kindle

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