Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Notes from the night

I don't have anything clever to say but I thought my title was clever.  I'm waiting for my wife to get out of her class, so we can go home, and I can get a good night's sleep.  Out of 12 people in my night class, seven were absent.  I don't know if it's a case of some pandemic going around or if it's a case of I didn't get my bibligraphy cards and essay doneitis.  Well, when they come back, they not only have their bibliography cards due, and their essay, but another essay due too.  Missing night classes -- especially those which only meet once a week -- is like stepping into quicksand. You're in over your head and suffocating before you even know you have been trapped.  I've told my students that if they were absent they still needed to send their work into me via email.  So far, I have received no emails with attached work.  I don't know; it seems like our country's work ethic and individual pride in trying to do the best that one can do has suffered in this country.  I guess I can't change the way other people act.  All I can do is change the way I act toward other people.  I'll do the grade slashing and the handing out of zeroes and F's.  That's all I can do.

I'm feeling a lot of pressure on a lot of different fronts lately, but I guess I will persevere. (sp?) 

I am starting to feel thinner.  I think my bike riding is helping me.  Once I get to where I'm feeling really comfortable with it, I'll add in some cutting down on the food I eat.  I hope I can drop the weight off this old body of mine.  I think losing weight will help me with my sleep (snoring is horrible) and with my knees and back.  Honestly, I know it hasn't been long, but I feel as if I am accomplishing something.

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