Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Eve of Battle: Lancelot Excerpt

The attacking dragon shrieked in pain as it climbed the sky and fled Rithrell. Then, she turned, flapped her wings twice, and then settled on a part of Camelot’s walls not destroyed by the dragon’s breath.

Arthur stared at the magnificent beast and was too stunned to speak.

“You have saved us, Friend,” Merlin said.

“When a dragon goes rogue and begins to kill men against the code of honor, it is my duty to intervene, but I go only so far as to stop the dragon. I will not interfere with wars that men start. You are on your own there, Merlin.”

“I understand … How’s your egg?” he asked, tryingto relieve some of the tension.

“My egg is now a female dragon named Merlinetta.”

“I am honored.”

“You should be,” Rithrell said. She flapped her wings and drifted into the air. “Goodbye, Merlin.” 
She flew away as Arthur and Merlin watched.

“I cannot believe my eyes,” Arthur said.

“In the darkest of nights, the stars shine their brightest.”

“Look at us, Merlin. We are trapped and have no hope of escape.”

“We have one hope.”
Lancelot and Trilesa walked back to Rodney's village. "I lived in Rittlock's house ever since I was a child.

I don't even remember how I got there. All the time I was pampered and petted I thought I was his child. The true story is I was being groomed to be his wife."

"Someone just gave you away to this evil king?"

"It was part of a political gift. Protection in exchange for the child. That sort of thing. It never made sense to me. While I lived under Rittlock, he was always involved with women. I don't know why he would accept me in exchange for protecting someone."

Lancelot stopped suddenly. "You cannot go with us when we attack him."

"I have to go. I want to see him killed so that I can get my freedom. I will not feel as if I have a life until he is gone. Lancelot, you don't know how evil he is. He is a demon personified."

"I know that somehow this relates to my quest."

"Your quest. I had forgotten it. What does it mean?"

"I don't know what it means. I only know it must be done if I am to have peace. It's my penance."

Only Rodney and a few of his men were still awake when they returned.
"Lancelot, join us."

Lancelot and Trilesa sat at the table.

"We're going over the plan to attack Rittlock. He has manpower, so we need surprise. His stronghold is on the sea so we can get right up on the city walls without being seen."

“How do you expect to sail a ship right up to the walls of the city without being seen?"

"We will not be on the sea."

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