Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fractured Fairy Tale

Do you remember the old Saturday morning cartoons called Fractured Fairy tales?  Every few weeks, I do a children's message in church which I call Fractured Faithful tales.  Sometimes they go over well; sometimes they crash and burn.  Someone told me I needed to publish them.  Well, I know that they aren't good enough to publish because many of them are just too silly.  Others contain inside jokes that only members of my congregation would get.  Besides, I know they just aren't good enough.  But I thought that maybe my blog readers might light to hear one every now and then.  So, here goes.  A transcript of today's fractured fairy tale.

***Once upon a time, there was a mean little girl called Ima Littlebrat.  One day a new girl named Jesse moved to Ima Littlebrat's school.  Jesse was cool and everyone wanted to be friends with her including Ima.  So Ima walked up to Jesse in the cafeteria and said, "What do I need to do to be your friend?"

Jesse pointed to a little girl sitting all by herself and said, "Go talk to that little girl."  This upset Ima very much because she did not like the little girl sitting there.  Her name was Sheeza Weirdun.  The only time Ima talked to Sheeza was to bully her.  "What am I supposed to talk to her about," Ima said.  Jesse answered, "Talk to her like you always do."

That was easy Ima thought, so she walked up to Sheeza and started saying all kinds of bad things to her.  The things were so bad that I can't even write them down in this story.  When Sheeza started crying, Ima came back to Jesse and said, "Now, can you be my friend?"

To Ima's surprise, Jesse said, "No way!  If you can't be friendly to everyone, I can't be friends with you."  So Jesse walked over to the little girl Sheeza and the two of them became great friends.

Ima learned a valuable lesson that day.  We should be kind to everyone.
The reasons we should be kind to everyone  are these:
First, how can we expect other people to be kind to us if we are not kind to them.
Second, what we say to people when they are young can affect them their entire lives.  If you are nice to people when they are young they will turn out to be nicer when they are old.  We have the ability to build others up with kind words or tear them down with mean words.  We should be builders and not destroyers.
Third, Jesus tells us to be nice to others.  He told us that it was easy to like the people that liked us, but that we are also supposed to love our enemies.  He also told us to love others as we love ourselves.  There's also scripture in Matthew 25 that says that when we treat people a certain way, it is like we are treating Jesus the same way.  If we're mean to others, we are being mean to Jesus.  If we're kind to others, we are being kind to Jesus.

Think how much better the world would be if we were kind to each other.***

Thus ends this fractured faithful tale.  At any rate, I try to think of some similar story to tell the kids each time I do the message.  The last time I gave the children's message, it was about the wolf in sheep's clothing.

I plan on posting another excerpt of Lancelot later, but I'm guessing this is about all you can handle of me for right now.  So, I'm signing off.

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