Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Long day ... short night

I don't think I get enough sleep at night.  I think I need another hour or hour and a half at least.  I arrive at the end of each day more and more exhausted, and as the week wears on, I am more worn.  By Wednesday, my back is barking from being on my feet all day for regular school and for three hours in my night class.  It would be nice if teachers were paid enough that they did not have to moonlight to put their kids through school.  I am a classic case of middle class, or as my moniker says, the common joe, falling through the cracks.  My daughter scored excellently on her ACT test and got a scholarship that pays for all of her tuition at college.  Of course, there's still room and board which runs hundreds of dollars every month.  My wife and I make too much money for our daughter to be eligible for grants.  Isn't that ironic?  Education has been our primary concern all of our lives, but because we are educators, it is difficult for us to afford to send our daughter to school.  I don't receive any entitlements from the government at all -- zilch.  I won't even get social security when I retire.  I'm not going to rant tonight, however.  I'm merely making an observation.
I got some feedback on the first ten pages of my script, Fall of Knight.  It made a lot of sense, and more to the point, I think it gave me some ideas that might help me to get past my writer's block.  I need to go ahead and finish what I have and go back to do the revisions I need to make.  I think my story can be a great one.  I don't know for sure if what I think will prove to be true, but I can hope.
It was a beautiful day today with the high in the 60's and lots of sunshine.  It's not going to be quite as warm tomorrow, but it is still going to be very nice.  I heard that parts of Iowa are going to get 4 to 8 inches of snow.  Hmm.  Would I want to live there?  Good question.
The Cardinals have started spring training.  Molina has not signed an extension to his contract, but he has been honest and not given Cardinals' fans any false hopes.  To him it is about the money, and if St. Louis doesn't give him the best deal, he will leave.  No home town discount for him.  In a way, I can't really blame him.  Catchers break down more.  He'll need more security.

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