Friday, February 24, 2012

Inspiration from an unexpected source.

One of my students told me today of something called "sleep paralysis" that was really weird.  It is as is sounds.  Lying in bed sort of awake and sort of asleep, but unable to move or speak.  The dream phase of sleep bleeds into this sleep paralysis and the sufferer can experience vivid hallucinations but can do absolutely nothing about them.  My student was telling me he was staying at his grandmother's house.  His grandmother, an avid collector of dolls, had several of them in the room where he slept. Before going to bed one night when he stayed there, he watched a horror movie. That night he had one of his sleep paralysis episodes in which he hallucinated the dolls coming to life and crawling all over his bed.  He could do nothing about it.  That would freak me out.

I've been stuck on my screenplay awhile.  I got some insightful comments on it from a contest I entered.  One thing the feedback said is that there should be some back story and something unusual with my main characters.  I hold this story and was inspired,  hence the title of the blog.  I have a great idea for a new opening for the screenplay that will provide both back story and establish something unusual.

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