Thursday, January 18, 2018

Sometimes you just have to dive into the water and be prepared to drown

9 days left if my book campaign

Just in case you haven't done so yet, click on the link and take a look at the information for my book Tongue Tied.  If you like what you see, then click the nominate me icon.

This is something my youngest sister Lori believes in. I have an amazing group of siblings.  Three sisters and one brother (I'm stuck in the middle). My sister Lori has always been supportive of me, always encouraging me and pushing my spirits up when they are down. (My other siblings are the same, but Lori is special with it.) She's always trying to cheer me up, and she always does.  I wish I had her courage and fortitude, and her deep spiritual nature.  Love you, Lori.

Hold on, I'm getting to the point. She is also one of the most gifted artists I know -- she gets that from my mother. You should go to her facebook page, Lori Testerman, and look at her drawings of that Thor guy and Vin Diesel.  They are incredible. I don't think I can describe how good they are in actual words, but you need to see them for yourself.  Give her a like while you are there.  I guarantee you she will appreciate it.

Now, to make my point. My sister has always told me that I should write humorous fiction. I tend to walk on the dark side because I have bipolar II (and I teach LOL). Yesterday, I thought WTH, I'm going to do it. I'm diving into a humorous YA novel. I know how I want to begin it and I know how I want to end it, but I know nothing in between. Last night, I just started writing.

I'm going against all kinds of writing advice that says to structure and outline, to do character biographies, but I don't care.  I'm just going to write.  If this is the year I'm taking my last swim in the literary waters, I am going to swim or drown my way. I don't know how my other writer friends write, but this is what I'm going to do.

I was working on a novel. I planned out every beat of the story, and I even drew a map of where it takes place, but you know what, I wasn't loving it. Maybe one day if I continue writing after this year, I might come back to it, but for right now, I'm leaving it on the beach. I can't write about something that I can't dive into.

My novel is going to be about friendship and love, a romance really. It's not going to be dark. It's going to be happy.  I may throw in a little bullying and heartbreak, but you can be sure it's going to end happily.

I don't know how my Kindle Scout campaign is going to end. I can only say that with nine days left, it doesn't appear to be looking good.  If I'm wrong and it does get published, I will write a sequel to it. It's about stories and what happens when people take them away, and that's a topic I can get into so it won't be a problem for me to write one.  That one will have a happy ending too.  Good stories should.
If the story, I submitted to Kindle Campaign gets published, then I might stay in this business a little longer, and if the novel I'm working on now gets published eventually, I'll continue writing until I can't do it anymore.  If they don't, I'm going to put up my pencil, take out the cartridge in my fountain pen, and put my computer to sleep.

I don't know how my story will end, but I'm not worried.  Every story has to end sometime.  As my sister Lori would say, "You don't know until you try."

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