Thursday, January 4, 2018

25 days left on my publish me book campaign. Please check it out.

Link to nominate m book for publication

I've mentioned this nomination thing a few times now, but I haven't explained it well. Kindle has a program where you can upload information about a book you have written.  The Nominate my book link above takes you there. There's a logline, a brief description, and an excerpt from my book. If you look at it and read it, you can decide whether or not you would like to nominate my book for a publishing contract.  These nominations figure into Kindle's decision, but obviously, they make the final decision. If my book gets selected for a contract, I get a $1500 advance and a huge percentage of all sales. They also guarantee you 5,000 copies sold in the first year or all rights to your book revert back to you. Now, you may wonder what this all has to do with you.  You can nominate other books other than mine, and if any book that you nominate gets a publishing contract, you get a free copy of it.  That's the gist.  I like this program because Kindle doesn't tie your book up forever.  It makes a decision in like 40 days, so that is another plus to the program.

I am 59 years old, and though I have published a lot of things, I have never quite achieved the success I've wanted to achieve.  This is a big deal to me, and with your help, you can help to make my dreams come true.  Thank you.

Now, for all of my writer friends, I would like to recommend a free book you can get on Kindle that I have found to be incredibly helpful. It is called 5 Secrets of Story Stucture and the thing that impressed me so much was that it was short and practical. I don't want to wade through a 300-page writing book; I want to write.

I just realized I don't really have too many other things to write because my life is boring, so why don't I end with a #crossbyte.

Don't be so introspective that you can't pull your head out when you need to .

My wife has often accused me of having the HUB disease -- Head Up Butt.  This is because of two things.  One, sometimes I think about a decision so much that it makes my indecision almost unbearable. That makes sense if you think about it. Another thing is that I sometimes get so lost in my own inner world that I often miss the beauty of the outer world.  A time and place exist for introspection, but sometimes you just have to pull your head out.

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