Sunday, January 7, 2018

Less than three weeks to go in my book campaign.

The traffic to my book campaign has been light lately, but that is to be expected. The way the Kindle Scout campaign works, your book is displayed for 30 days. I think that at the beginning, the book gets quite a lot of exposure and page visits, but then it settles down. When the campaign for the book is about out, traffic picks up again. At least I hope that's the case. I know that I can nominate three books, and I have a list to choose from. I look at the ones whose campaign is about to expire and I decide whether I want to nominate any of them.

I am doing a little writing experiment. I found a really good free book that details the structure of fiction, books, screenplays etc. and gives you a template to plan your own writing.  I also use Save the Cat software.  I'm seeing if I can combine both of them into some sort of superstructure plan that will help with all of my writing. I am not going to be writing as much this year so I want to make sure that what I write is actually worthwhile.

Have the faith to follow your vision even when you feel as if you have lost sight of it.

I need to remind myself of this a lot. Sometimes your vision gets so blurred, you can't see anything but tears.

Click here to nominate my book for a publishing contract.

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