Friday, April 6, 2012

Here it is, a lame attempt at an interesting blog.

The Cardinals had a great opening night, winning 4-1. Lohse pitched a great game, and I liked the look of the team.  They were more aggressive on the basepaths.  I thought they looked good.  Miami has improved their club this year, so it was not an easy game.  Now, in their second game the Cardinals currently have a 6 to 2 lead, and they have hit several home runs.  They might be really good this year.  It's too early to say that with any degree of certainty but it certainly appears to be a possibility.  I think Matheny is going to be a good manager, better in the way he works with younger players.  I think he will be willing to give the younger guys a chance when Larussa was reluctant.

I love Iowa City.  It reminds me a lot of Cape and Columbia.  College town with a nice downtown section.  Seems like there's a lot to do.  Whether I would like it as much in the winter time would be another story.  It's cold and snowy.  I like the college town atmosphere though I am a long way from being college age.  I'm one of those people who could have been a perpetual college student if I had not let my desire to earn a living get in my way.  Who knows.  If I ever moved up here, I might go back to school and attempt to get my PhD.  Not.  I'm too old.  Well, 53 isn't really old, but it is too old, in my opinion, to be going back to school. Iowa University has a tremendous creative writing program, one of the best in the country actually.

I picked up a screenwriting book that approaches the one part of screenwriting where I have trouble.  I struggle with the inner story of my characters.  I tend to write passive characters who have things happen to them, and they react to them.  I need to make my characters more proactive.

Well, I need to go find myself something to eat, so I will sign off for now and get to that.  Later.

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