Friday, May 9, 2014

What is up.

This is a light, breezy entry with no focus whatsoever, and I don't have any idea why any would want to read it or why I am writing it.  Most people who blog blog because they have some angle they want to share with the world.  I'm still trying to figure out my angle.  I originally thought this would be just a blog filled with wise sayings and advice from a common joe who just has a few things to say if people want to listen.

At other times, I have posted my work on here for people to read, and at other times, I've tried to give writing advice.  And once or twice, I have used my blog to rant.  I'm not sure what people would want me to write about.  What do you all want to read?  Well, since not very many people read this anyway, I guess it doesn't matter.

For the last three weeks, I have risen to my 30 day crossbyte challenge.  Every day of school, I have written a new crossbyte.  Many people tell me I ought to write a book with little devotional things.  I guess I could do that.  I'd need to come up with a logo though.  If you want to read a lot of crossbytes, go to my twitter page @stevecrosswords or type in #crossbytes.

Todays crossbyte is
"If you want things to start looking up, then you need to stop looking behind and start looking ahead."

It's easy to have many regrets about the past and to think about all of the would haves, could haves, and should haves, but this kind of thinking doesn't get you anywhere.  In fact, it can cause you to regress by making you afraid of taking chances. How are you ever going to take advantage of all the possibilities of the present and future if you keep mourning the missed opportunities of the past?  They are over. You can't change them.  One of the main points of my interpersonal communication class is that a person can never undo any communication.  Once it's out, it's permanent.  The past is past.  You can't go back with a Mulligan and redo it.

If you are a person who is too timid to step proudly into the future, it could be because you are too mired in the past.  It's time to pull yourself out and walk on.

Literary Note: I'm working on an important play.  I have 20 pages completed.

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