Tuesday, April 10, 2018

My Public Blog

I write in a journal every day, sometimes twice. I have one journal that is more of a diary type thing and another one that is private and locked with a password. I keep that one locked because it is the place where I rant about things.  I usually write these when I am experiencing extremes of emotion -- I don't mean crazy type things; I mean if I'm really mad about someone or something. I write in the locked journal because it gives me an opportunity to blow off steam in my writing instead of at the person I might be mad at. It keeps me from shooting my mouth off and hurting someone. It is a way of releasing pressure. This blog more closely resembles my boring journal (sorry about that). Well, I guess you don't have to read it.

I usually follow the same three or four tracks on this blog as I do in my diary journal, so I have variety in what followers I have. Some are writers, some are people of faith, some have a mental illness as I do, and some just like to shoot the breeze (talk about a lot of different things with no actually planned conversation. It's a colloquialism that we use in my part of Missouri.  I'm not sure of its origins).

Usually, I mix them together in my blog posts, but I'm thinking about focusing more on one topic in each blog entry.

So today, I'll just discuss writing. I am so glad that I decided to try my hand at turning a screenplay that has gone nowhere into a novel. I completed about 1,000 words today. I think I have over 20,000 total and I'm only about a third of the way through it. I am also glad that I have begun setting a goal of at least 500 words a day. It doesn't sound like much, but it adds up to over 15,000 words a month. Steady progress. I think that since I have been setting this daily goal, I have gotten below 1,000 words one time, and that was somewhere about 800.

Taking the small steps gets you there.
Amazon author page.

Since this is a blog about writing, I feel that I can add the link to my author's page in here. My blog gets reprinted there, and there are links to order the three books that I have on Amazon.  Take a look if you want to.


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