Thursday, August 11, 2016

                                         New York City skyline from a ferry a few years back

I am calmer today. I felt pretty frantic and depressed yesterday. Today, I feel 100% better. I'm medicated and this still happens to me.  Imagine, if you will, being bipolar and not being medicated and having to deal with incredible ups and downs all the time. Untreated bipolars are more likely to commit suicide than any other mentally ill people. Sad but true.  I'm not here to talk about my illness today because as I said I feel pretty good.

I have finally been able to get into my Blackboard program and start doing lesson plans for my two classes. I was a bit frantic about all of it. I updated the stuff I was supposed to update, even have played with the program and added some of my own stuff into it. I need to find out if all of my dual-credit, ITV students have the same texts as they do at the main campus. I am good for week one, but after that, if they don't have the same resources, I will have to make some adjustments. I can do that if I need to, but I'm hoping they all have what they need because it will make things so much easier.

Another reason I am happy is that I have decided to go back to my writing roots. I have a play I want to write, one like the genre that seems to be very popular with high school drama groups these days. The mashup. My play is going to be about King Arthur looking for his queen in Chanted, the Enchanted Kingdom where Merlin sent him. He meets all kinds of princesses there, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Cinderella, and I think maybe Goldilocks. It's a comedy and should be fun to write if I can still be funny. I am also thinking about writing a younger YA book with humor in it, kind of like a ninth grade Eleanor and Park. I'm not giving up on Dean Knight. I will continue to query agents, but I still need to think realistically. It's a very bleak novel and some people might not want to publish it.

I am going out to feed my dog Ginger. I'll write again after the school year starts to let everyone know if this old, semi-retired fart can still motivate a class to write well.

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