Monday, July 23, 2012

Latest ... more or less.

Tongue Tied: A Dystopian Screenplay that might -- accidentally, one of these days -- wind up in a theater near you.

The summer draws near to an end.  In about three weeks I will be going back to work as an educator at North County.  I looked for a college teaching job, not because I despise North County.  I don't.  The school has been good to me.  I have always felt as if I belonged in a college atmosphere, but apparently, no one else does.  I think I applied at Western Illinois, Southeast Missouri, Full Sail University, St. Louis Community College, and, once again, Mineral Area College but failed to get even an interview.  I guess no one wants a run-down 50 plus, fat guy who writes bits of wisdom on his Facebook and Twitter pages on their staff.  I am grateful to Central Methodist University at Park Hills for hiring me to teach Expository Writing this summer.  I have reached a point where I need to make some decisions about a few things before I get too old and wind up stuck with no alternatives.

So, for this, and some other reasons I won't bother you with, the summer has been a bit of a downer.  The excessive heat does nothing to help either.  Honestly, I don't know if I want to spend the rest of my life in Missouri or not.  Again, nothing against Missouri.  I just don't think there's much opportunity here.

The one thing that I feel was good about the summer was (and still is) some of the writing I'm doing.  I've had trouble staying focused, but generally, I have not lost my ardor for the projects I am currently working on.  I think they have potential, but I don't think that potential will be realized if I don't take some chances -- and I have trouble taking chances.  I am grateful that I have the rest of my screenplay planned out, and I am excited that I have found my genuine voice in the novel I'm working on.  I'll finish the screenplay before Labor Day I think, but it will take several more months for me to finish the novel.  It's still simmering a bit.

Well, that's about all the news I have for now.  Follow me on Twitter @stevecrosswords

I was so excited to see that I had three people from Israel who looked at my blog.  I would love to see Israel.  One day, I'm going to London, Ireland, and Scotland also.  I can dream.

1 comment:

  1. During the 10-hour drive home after my mom's funeral several years ago I did a lot of soul-searching (and soul-bashing). My life was half over and what had I accomplished? I stiffened my upper lip & reminded myself that I had won NINE Missouri Press Association Better Newspaper Contest awards. Suddenly it hit me: Oh my my very BEST, I've morphed in WKRP's Les Nessman! (Five-time winner of the Buckeye Newshawk Award and the coveted Silver Sow Award, a little fish in an even smaller bowl, with ducked-taped office 'walls' around my work space!) (Well, OK, I never actually made fake walls!)


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