Monday, June 25, 2012

I know nothing about Latvia

I know nothing about Latvia, but apparently, someone from Latvia looked at my blog.  Isn't that amazing?  I have had people from all over the world look at what I write.  I don't know if they land there accidentally, or if they actually want to read it or not.  I get readers from Spain, France, Russia, Germany, France -- and dozens of other countries, and every time I see a new country pop up I realize how little I know about the rest of the world.  It would be nice if those who could would write to me and send me pictures of their country and tell me about their families and their lives.  I would love it.  In fact, I'm asking those of you who read my blog for any reason just drop me an email and maybe a picture or two -- of your family, your historic sights -- anything.  I will never be able to travel the world, but I can visit it through those who already live there.  I'll even be the first to share.

I live in a small town of about 500 people.  It's called Arcadia.  No one knows much about the town but they do know about Johnson Shut Ins, just one of our geographical treasures.
People from all over the country come to Johnson Shut ins.
As far me, I'm married with one daughter who recently got married.  I am a bit biased but she is a princess as far as I am concerned.  Her husband's name is Sean.  He's all right too.

I would love to hear from anyone, anywhere -- inside or outside -- the United States.  If you'd like to share a bit of your world with me, you can email me at

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