Friday, June 22, 2012

Code Blue

Though not quite dead, my blog is definitely on life support.  I don't want it to die out completely so I'm going to write.  My birthday is coming up, and I always spend some time reflecting and looking forward.  I know; we only have today -- this moment -- guaranteed, so we shouldn't be looking in the past or to the future.  We should be in the moment.  Well, in this moment, I've decided to reflect on the past and future.

I don't think a lot is going to change with me between now and my ultimate demise.  I'm going to be teaching the rest of my career.  I don't think there lurks a best-selling novel or several optioned screenplays in my creative future, but that doesn't mean I will quit trying.  In fact, I'm working on two projects right now.  When I get up some courage I'll post some excerpts.

By the way, Lancelot and the Tides of Time is still available for purchase at  It would help my royalty report if more copies were purchased.

So, let's come back from that little aside.

The most important thing I learned since last summer is that life is fragile.  My mother died the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  Three of my friends who are fellow teachers also had parents who died.  We don't know when our number is going to come up.  My mom died suddenly and unexpectedly.  I still haven't accepted it.

I think, as a result, of her death I have become more introverted and philosophical.  Music has also become very important to me.  I'm reminded of King Saul in the Old Testament who was tormented and could only be calmed by the music of David's harp.  I would go crazy if I didn't have music.  I'm almost like one of those hoarders when it comes to collecting songs.

Today, while my wife was putting in some hours at work, I did some writing.  In four hours or so, I completed about ten or eleven pages.  I wrote some on a screenplay and some on a new novel.  I don't know if either one will be any good at all but I am driven to create even if no one ever buys it.  That's the thing about writers.  If you can quit because you aren't making enough money at it, then you never really were one.

Tonight, I might do some more, or I might watch the Cardinals who are having a mediocre year.  I haven't watched them much because I teach a class that meets on Tuesday and Thursday evening.

Well, I'll work up some courage and do some more writing later.  I wish I could get more followers for my blog.

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