Thursday, August 30, 2012

I'm Baaaackkkkk.

At least for now.  And I'm not going to say anything political because, frankly, I'm getting sick of it.  I intend to vote my conscience when the time comes, and I will live guilt free.

School is back under way.  We have two and a half weeks under our belts.  My classes are crowded, but I like my students.  It's been a trip teaching drama again.  It's been about ten years.  These kids should really have someone more qualified to teach it than I am.  I'm just plugging the hole and doing the best I can.  One of our new teachers will actually do the play, but I am going to help her.  And, of course, Mrs. Douglas will also help.  I minored in speech and drama to make myself more employable, and I have enjoyed my forays into teaching drama and directing plays, but I am just not any good at it.  I don't have the fanaticism that true theater lovers have.  I like it.  Those kids that love it deserve better than, "I like it."

In my writing.  I finished the rough draft of a T.V. pilot and am in the process of revising it.  I added a new opening scene that I think will really prove to be dramatic.  It's a scene where a young man gets hanged because he was found guilty of storytelling.  Does that arouse your curiosity?  I hope so.  Imagine a world without stories.  Not pretty.

I've also done about 21,000 words of my YA novel.  It's good.  Plain and simple, it is the absolute best thing I have ever written in my life.  If it doesn't get picked up by a major publisher, I'm going to give up.  After I finish sorting out the script I'm on, I'm going to think about making the novel into a script.  That helps me in the revising practice.  Weird but true.

My mood has been very good lately.  I don't know what's wrong with me, so I'm not even going to gripe tonight.  I'm just touching base.

Every morning on my way to school, I catch the sunrise.  It always inspires me to see it.  On these cool morning, often the fog is lifting off the ground in low places and it gives the entire landscape a ghostly, ethereal look.

Enough for now.  Good bye.

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