Saturday, March 31, 2018

Thanks everybody

I owe thanks to a lot of people, and I wanted to give it today. Some people have decided to follow my blog, and I appreciate it. I am slowly building up my readership. If you like what you’ve read, share it. (Warning: you never know what you will get from me.) I also want to thank those of you who have liked my posts. It is nice to be appreciated. Finally, I want to thank all of you who have nominated Drowning in my Kindle Scout campaign.  I don’t know if I will get a publishing contract from it or not, but if I don’t it won’t be because I haven’t had support from many people (over 2,300 actually.) I am going to go ahead and publish it on Kindle even if it doesn’t win a publishing contract. Thank you, everyone, for your support.
For a long time in my life, I have been something of a pessimist, but in my older age, I am trying to see the brighter side of things.  During my struggles with bipolar 2, I have often spent my time wallowing in my own misery rather than focusing on just how blessed I really am.  I don’t want to be one of those people that no one ever wants to be around. Although I am trying to be a better person, I have to admit that the climb has been hard. Many people talk about how they hit bottom before they could climb up.
For a lot of reasons, I hit my bottom last spring, summer, and fall, a period of time when my doctor told me I was having mixed episodes. If you know anything about bipolar disorder, you know these are the worst kinds of episodes you can have. Fortunately, for me, I switched over from one medication to the Lamotrigine I am taking now. For the first time in a while, I can see clearly now, or at least more clearly than I used to. I still have my moments, but I am so much happier than I was.
We have a beautiful day in Poplar Bluff, MO. For now, the sun is shining and the temperature is warm. I did have to do my first lawn mowing of the spring, but I even enjoyed that. We moved to a new home last December, and this was the first time I cut the grass. It really wasn’t that bad, but I wanted to get that first mowing out of the way if for no other reason than to get the layout of the yard. It’s a lot like exploring new territory.
It’s also Easter tomorrow. I’m not your typical Christian because all of my beliefs are not what you would call mainstream but are more in line with the ideals of the Progressive Methodist movement. If you are disillusioned with mainstream Christianity which I have been, you just might find a niche with the progressives. (I know progressive is a dirty word for most conservatives.) I do believe that Christ died and rose as an atonement for our sins. I don’t understand it, but I do believe it.
I want to leave you with a thought, and if you want to, you can tell me whether you agree with it or not. This is a classic (as in old) crossbyte.
A rational thought will never beat a sincere emotion.
It may be dangerous for a bipolar person to say this, but I have always been a believer in “following the gut instinct.”  I’ve always thought of this as kind of a divine guidance.
Until next time, so long.  Have a wonderful Easter, and even if you are not a Christian, take the time to think about how you might resurrect your own life.

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