Sunday, July 13, 2014

Reflections and first scene of screenplay

The Northern Part of Lake Tahoe

We just got back from a quick trip out west to see my nephew get married.  Matt and Amber had a beautiful wedding on the southern part of Lake Tahoe, so I actually got to see quite a bit of it.  It is so breathtaking in more ways than one.  The water is ice cold so that takes your breath away. I like mountains and huge lakes so having them both in one place awed even me.

I have always loved the water, and I used to be a good swimmer. I learned how to swim probably before I was five years old, and we spent a lot of time at Black River when I was a kid.  Nowadays, I love lakes especially.  There is something soul-stirring about large bodies of water.  I don't know; it makes me think of creations and new beginnings and at the same time stability and timelessness.  I can't explain it; I am just moved almost to tears every time I am able to gaze at a place like Lake Tahoe.  Langston Hughes is one of my favorite writers, and one of my favorite poems is his one about the river.  "My soul has grown deep like the river ..."

I used to write a lot of poems, but I really don't anymore because the stuff I write is too depressing kind of like this first scene of my screenplay.

It lost its formatting when I cut and pasted it here but I think you can follow. The screenplay is intense and a little personal in places, so  it's been hard to write, but I have finished about 40 pages. It will be 120 or so when I finish.

I would tell you to enjoy it, but it isn't enjoyable. I just hope it's good writing.


JENNY DAYLEY, 16 white t-shirt, cut-off and bare feet, stands and holds her hands out to her side.  Blood spurts from her wrists.

DEAN KNIGHT, also 17, drags a knife across his wrist and a thin line of blood wells up.

I think I am going to dance.

She begins a slow whirling, and the blood spews out from her wrists spattering the walls and floors.

Dean switches the knife into his other hand and slices his other wrist.

He smiles and looks at Jenny, who wobbles.  He rushes to her and grabs her just as she sags toward the floor.

Hold me ... Till it's over.

He holds her against him, both sitting on the floor, her blood spilling all over him.

I'll be ...

She breathes her last.

I'm coming.

He lays her on the floor.

He slashes his wrist and blood spurts.

Outside the garage door, a car pulls into the driveway.


The automatic opener hums into gear.

He slashes his other wrist.

Headlights bathe the garage; the car screeches to a halt and the door opens.

MILLICENT KNIGHT jumps from the car, staggers slightly, and takes it all in.
She runs to Dean who sways and is about to collapse.

You stupid boy!

She slaps him across the face and he falls over.

She runs back to her car and grabs her phone.

Follow me on twitter  @stevecrosswords

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