Friday, April 3, 2015

A good Friday

Good Friday is important to me as a Christian. In fact, it is the second most important day only to Easter Sunday. I am not always the best Christian in the world, but I do try.

I am grateful for many things today.  For one, the Maundy Thursday service that our church put on last night went very well.  I hope people who witnessed it found it to be very spiritually inspiring. It is still the greatest story ever told.

I am also grateful that my young adult novel is doing far better than I ever expected. On Amazon it is in the top 30 out of 100 in one category in YA fiction and the top 40 out of 100 in another.  All of this even though the official release date is not until April 7. Next weekend, I will be doing my online release party.  If you want to join me, connect with us at

I will have several authors as my guests, and there will be free prizes, including some books to be given away. My guests and I will be online from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. central time, USA.

If you are interested in ordering the book or looking at some reviews, you can go to


My one hope is that this book makes people think about the way they treat others. Sometimes, we have a severe lack of compassion in this world.  Bullying is not cool nor is there any reason for it.

My one dream remains to have this book made into a movie. I think it would impact several lives. I have actually written a script that is based on the original book.  It's a little different, but it is basically the same story line.

Well, I think I probably need to go.  Please share if you will. Invite your friends to my book release party and I would be very grateful to you if you bought my book. I don't think you'll be disappointed, but I do hope you will be shocked enough to reconsider the way you treat others.

If Fall of Knight were ever to be made into a movie, this is the guy I would want to play Dean Knight.

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