Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Common Sort of Day

My blog is entitled The Common Joe because I've always considered myself to be pretty ordinary really. I don't know how I've managed to forget that some of the greatest joys to be found are in the most common parts of life. I could write on this for a long time, but I'm not going to. I just want to talk about my day.

This morning I got to sleep in a little bit. First thing I did was feed Bella, the Yorkie that just happened to wander into our yard on Valentine's day last year. Bella has brought so much love to our family that we can't stay down for very long because she won't let us. And then there's that first cup of coffee every morning. Mine was a light roast that was very tasty. For breakfast, I fell back into my childhood by eating Pop-Tarts -- fudge flavored.

I spend a lot of the day grading papers, but why don't we just skip that part?

It's one of those early fall days today, a day that started out chilly but gradually warmed up into the high 60s. This afternoon, after I finished my schoolwork, I went out onto our deck, cold (adult) beverage in hand, and sat in the sun. My wife joined me and so did Bella. We (my wife and I) engaged in small talk and just enjoyed the warm temperatures. Bella enjoyed jumping from one lap to the other and demanding attention.

The birds were out and the squirrels, all getting ready for fall I guess. We watched the clouds float by, and in one I saw an eagle. I thought of my mom who died almost 8 years ago. On the day of her death, two eagles drifted and soared over her house. At that time, I thought of the scripture in Isaiah, I think, that mentions mounting up on eagles' wings.

After Jean went in, I sat by myself and just closed my eyes. It's easy to let the busyness of life keep us from stopping, sitting and resting. I just listened. Of course, there were cars running here and there, but underneath that noise, were birds whistling, insects chirping, squirrels jumping from limb to limb, nuts falling from the trees and striking the ground and nearby buildings. A cool breeze whispered through the leaves and blew across my face.

I stayed in the moment for a moment and tried to let complications slide off me. I recommend it. And if you get some extra time, just lie down on the grass like you used to do when you were a kid, and let the clouds drift by.

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